Category: Police Brutality

ZIONIST SHILL Biden Says Israel Interfering in US Elections Isn’t a Big Deal LOL

Biden Says Israel Interfering in US Election Isn’t a Big Deal When Israel Interferes with U.S. elections it is okay.  It’s just not okay when anybody else interferes with U.S. Elections.  Anything Israel does...

Our Satanic Pedophile Empire is Now Exposed. It is Time to DETHRONE THEM!

No More ReCONciliation Coverup! Banish & Confiscate the Killer Churches!

View: No more ReCONciliation coverup! Banish and Confiscate the genocidal churches! ( On September 30, SAY NO to Canada’s ReCONciliation Farce Turn the tables on the coverup of genocide: – Wear black, not orange, to...

What No One is Telling You About the Pickton Murders- An Elite Group of Politicians, Police, RCMP, Bikers & Church Hierarchy Were ALL Involved Page 264-278 covers Pickton Farm Snuff Killings and Exactly WHO the REAL KILLERS WERE who occupy Elite Positions in Canada as Cardinals, Bishops, Senior Politicians and Mayor of British Columbia Campbell.  A Source...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett

Hey people! Let’s not let this happen again:   Carry on our struggle by sharing this (for now) final broadcasted program of Here We Stand from July 14, 2024:   All previous programs...


Hide original message TODAY on Bastille Day, July 14: A Special Broadcast on Here We Stand you won’t want to miss” “The Outcasts’ Victory: Carrying It On” At 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern,...

The Sadistic Torture and Terrorization of Palestinians is Something NO ONE SHOULD SUPPORT Including Biden & Trump!

The plan to make Israel the center of a one world government Comment:  All the Rothschilds should have their money taken from them and they should have to pay the Palestinians.  The Rothschilds and...

CIA & Dept of Defense Involved in Killing Native Children in Canada

14.    R.W. Large Memorial Hospital, Waglisla: Founded by United Church missionary doctors in 1928. Still in operation. Site of widespread Eugenics experiments, forced sterilizations and mind control experiments by Dr. George Darby senior with Department of...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett-We Are Winning!

TODAY on Here We Stand:   “With more than words: How we have fought back and won, with Kevin and Owen of the global Republic Alliance”   Sunday June 23 at 3 pm pacific,...

TODAY, May 26 on Here We Stand: “How we use the common law to depose Tyrants

How we use the common law to depose tyrants: Lessons from our Victories A special interview with Kevin Annett and Dr. Katherine Horton   Sunday, May 26 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern,...