Category: Mind Control

Criminal Corporation BlackRock Linked to Crooks, Trump’s Shooter, and Fink, CEO linked to Secret Societies

CIA is involved in creating School Shooters, Serial Killers, Assassins and Mind Controlled Manufactured Killers or MKULTRAs. MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13 BY ADMIN · JANUARY...

RACIST WHITE MEN AT THE TOP OF the U.S. Gov’t, the CIA, Crack & Gangsta Rap to Put Black Men Into Prison For Profits

The Real Godfathers of Crack Cocaine & Gangsta Rap, President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), Vice President & President George H.W. Bush (1981-1993) GANGSTA RAP, CIA, MOSSAD & GENOCIDE STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON How George Herbert Walker Bush...

CIA Did Hallucinogenic Drug Experiments on Sexual Psychopaths at Same Time Interval Henry Lucas Was Incarcerated There

Secondary Navigation Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room Requestor Portal Historical Collections Browse the Collections | Advanced Search | Search Help Search form Search Query for FOIA ERR: –AA+A CIA DRUG SUBJECTS AT IONIA HUNTED Document Type:...

Josef Mengele in Quebec in 1949 Got Special Treatment!

Josef Mengele in QUEBEC. oh yes it’s been going on FOREVER, Canada and our people being exploited by the US.and the CIA… in Quebec the MK ULTRA experiments being conducted at McGill university (aka...

Chateau des Amerois Castle (Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium) Fighting Monarch A Resistance Site For Survivors of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, and Illuminati Mind Control Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Instagram ABOUT RESOURCES TESTIMONIALS CONTACT INDEX   THIEVES OF THE WOOD, CHATEAU DES AMEROIS, &...

Politics is Not the Answer As The Politicians Are All Owned or Members of the Cabal 2 Pictured Presidents were involved in the Torture/Programming Session to either Murder or Create a Mind Controlled Dissociated Assassin.  Guess Who They Were?  Hint :  CIA and Naval Backgrounds Jimmy Carter and Bush...

Satanic Witches Are Household Names-Royals, Heads of Gov’t, A Listers-Frei

Royal Musings: Princess Stephanie of Windisch Graetz (1939-2019) ( Creepy witch pictured in her old age: Satanic Witch 15,096 views Jul 22, 2022 #elite #ritual #abusers English dubbed German interview with Chantal Frei who...

Franklin Case Court Records of Sadistic Pedophiles Raping & Murdering Children Connected to D.C. This following video is like a blueprint for how Mind Control is actually done and it ALWAYS involves, Rape, Drugs, Hypnosis and now Human Endocrine Hormones.

Politicians “Murdering Children For Entertainment” Provided By the CIA!

BTW Spence the Lobbyist was another Direct Connection to the CIA and He along with his compadre Lawrence “Larry” King were involved in obtaining Street Boy Prostitutes to feed into a network of politicians...