Category: Satanism

UN is a Shitty Rockefeller Organization. U.S. Needs to Get Out and So Does Everyone Else!

That’s all folks and they will just keep on KILLING!  UN is a shitty, shitty organization with a fake criminal court that allows Israel to rape and murder Palestinians with Impunity proving the United...

Missing, Murdered People in Springfield, Ohio; Evil Empire Turns on Its’ Own Citizens

Comment:  In a way I am confused.  I was told by my bank to make appt. to see banker as so many Haitians have come here to work my bank is overwhelmed.  They are...

BRICS Now Include 159 Countries New Payment System in Their Own Currencies-Dedollarizing

The U.S.’s Abusive Policies will come to an end and so will poverty and starvation for these countries as China Aids their Infrastructure Development and Russia brings Grains & Fertilizers to them.  I predict...

King Charles is a Direct Descendant of VLAD THE IMPALER and His Family Funded the Torture Mind Control Projects

Formerly known as Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Charles III actually owns several properties in Transylvania, is the heir to Vlad the Impaler’s bloodline. The ruthless prince, also known as Vlad Tepes and Vlad III Dracula,...

Worship of Moloch, ADRENOCHROME, Child Sacrifice & Elite Luciferians

All Inspector Generals work for Secret Society COUNCIL: “THE COUNCIL” – WHO IS RUNNING THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA? July 19, 2024 The Councils in turn answer to the British Monarchy & Empire a...

This is Actually True….Kay Griggs Even Told Us So

ORION – FREEMASONS & SATANISTS RUN THE AIR FORCE All military Brass belong to the Satanic Secret Societies.  All Cabal answer to CIA and British Intelligence.  British Intelligence created our CIA.  In the end the...