Category: RAPE/Torture

While Americans CHEER ON THEIR Military All the “Wars” (Invasions of Sovereign Nations) Are Fought For the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

  The Synagogue of Satan uses the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other intelligence agencies to Compromise Wealthy Elite having Sex with Kids as well as Politicians who are some of the Most degenerate sick...

Global Research News

SELECTED ARTICLES Video: Japan Rising. The Tokyo International Crisis Summit. The New “Replicon” Self-amplifying mRNA Vaccines By The Corbett Report The International Crisis Summit descended on Tokyo last week to warn about the new “replicon”...

Brighteon Broadcast News, Oct 20, 2024 – Comprehensive overview of the FULL WAR against humanity, life, Earth and God

This is a great broadcast to get the spiritual undertones of what is happening today.

Trump Has Made Some Kind of a Deal With Israel Firster Zionists

Trump Says Biden is Holding Bibi Back in Gaza

Diddy Has Tapes on EVERYONE!!! (For the CIA to Blackmail Everyone With)

PDiddy would collect sex tapes on everyone in Hollywood for the CIA-same as Angie Jolie.  Both are perverts and Psychopaths.

The Deep States Biggest Ugliest Secret


He should just say the Military is Mind Controlled.  MKULTRA is a military Acronym for ASSASSIN or Manufactured Killer Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Required for Assassination.

Sick Psychos Run the United States & Israel   Health Ranger Report 46005 followers Follow Tip 30 Share Add to… 9185 views • 16 hours ago – Genetic studies on Ashkenazi Jews reveal mental disorders – Generations of inbreeding have produced...