Category: RAPE/Torture

Children Are the Sex Toys for the Hollywood Elite But It Gets Worse! Parents Need to Hear This-Especially the Last 5 Minutes.

Hearing all the awful things that happened to this young lady makes me happy Hollywood has burned down.  Too bad the celebs didn’t burn to death in their houses! A Big Bravo to her...

Ally’s Harrowing Testimony

Sounds like the CIA had part in this and that she may be a CIA Sex Slave Monarch Victim.

Government Protected Child Snuff Rings

Synagogue of Satan

Henry Makow @HenryMakow Patrick O’Carroll– Jewish Ritual Murder – Who’s Next? “Jewish law is specific that the victim at Passover must be a white child under the age of seven, who must be bled...

Poisoning POOR U.S. Citizens, Testing Warfare Agents on Them, Doping Them Up & Stealing Their Money; Crime Syndicate Monarchy America

  Very Evil Human Experiments the U.S. Gov’t Has Done United States Citizens are Poisoned with Bacterial warfare   EXPOSED! Proof US Gov’t Tested Poisonous Chemicals On Unsuspecting American Citizens...

Midnight Productions; Snuff Films in AZ-Police & Gov’t Complicit With Hell’s Angels….Satanic Illuminati Productions

@andre.gorley 4 months ago I live in Ottawa, Canada and I’ve been working as a RN for over 25 years in a crisis center. Even here in the last few years through the homeless...

Human Hunting Parties Here There Everywhere

Lynn Forester de Rothschild almost openly admits elite intend to kill us by water deprivation: Anon ID 78d855 was the one called out by #QAnon as Lynn Forester de Rothschild one night. He told...

Trump Toxic Fog Jim Fetzer Raw Deal Guest Host Victor Hugo Russell Winter Joachim Hagopian Ryan Veli Victor-Hugo, Russ Winter, Joachim Hagopian and Ryan Veli  discuss Trojan Trump, Emerging Cheka,  Toxic Fog, Terrorist Vets, New Years day Terrorist Attacks, AI, False Flags, Dying Dollar, Greenland, Canada, Syria, Israel, Iran, Egypt,...

Murdered by the Monarchy

Johnny ‘Bingo’ Dawson Died for your Sins … and at the hands of the Vancouver Police Department and the United Church of Canada by Kevin Annett Bingo Dawson (right) with the author, shortly before his murder...