Category: Real Terrorism

The ZIONIST Plan: Scapegoat Christians for Adrenochrome & Child Sex Trafficking Done by Epstein, Maxwell, the CIA and Mossad

The Zionist Plan is to Scapegoat Christians for Adrenochrome and Child Sex Trafficking done by Epstein, Maxwell, the CIA and Mossad Summary: The Mossad-CIA pedophiles who are go-betweens between the USA and Israel are not...

The Plan of the Synagogue of Satan Crowd Comment:  They ALWAYS blame others for what They Do.  They always align theirselves with hard core criminals, terrorists & gangs.  They steal from the Taxpayer.  They are behind Child Sex Slavery, the Monarch...

America’s Crimes Against Children

It is time to round up all of the ECONOMIC HIT MEN who have disgraced our nation. I have combined three pages begun in 2020 to make this one: the picture presented is one...

Jim Stone News

YOU ARE ON JIMSTONERELOADED.COM I was away for a couple of days and was not able to tend the, during that time it maxed out and went down. UPDATE: It was only down...

Analysis – Deagel’s Population Collapse (Excellent Article!)

17 Subscribe Analysis – Deagel’s Population Collapse What we know so far is that we seem to be headed that way! Talknet Feb 22, 2025 19 26 12 Share is a website that provides...

“In Syria there are 23 Million Christians and 23 Million Muslims”. Forced into Exile by U.S. Sponsored Al Qaeda’s Al-Sharaa Regime

Syria’s Grand Mufti: “In Syria there are 23 Million Christians and 23 Million Muslims”. Forced into Exile by U.S. Sponsored Al Qaeda’s Al-Sharaa Regime By Mark Taliano Global Research, February 19, 2025 Region: Middle East &...

U.S. Military and Catholic Church Have This in Common; They are Both Sanctuaries For Child Rapists

The People of Okinawa Stand Up for Women’s Rights and Peace

Hamilton, Ontario this is what your police are doing, all paid for by you the taxpayer:

Hamilton, Ontario this is what your police are doing, all paid for by you the taxpayer Comment:  When Every Cop is a Criminal…..Rolling Stones Song.

One HOUR 20 Minutes Listen Carefully to What He is Saying About Neurolinguistic PROGRAMMING-Are WE UNDER MEDIA MIND CONTROL?

Comment:  The 1% control the media and they use it to PsyOp the rest of us to do as they want us to do.

Jim Stone News

You are back on Feb 21 2025 Disgusting Israeli psy op Before you get all worked up over the lastest “dead hostage” scam Israel is fronting, REMEMBER: Israel had to front this after the...