Category: Economic Collapse

The United States Stands On the Edge of Destruction & It IS ALL The Fault of U.S. Policymakers

Judaic Synagogue of Satan aka British Empire makes our policies and TAVISTOCK Funds the policy making foundations to the tune of BILLIONS.

DAVOS Execs Racist Misogynists Gays

Davos executives accused of using ‘N word’ around black workers — WSJ — RT World News Russia strikes New York in Donbass with giant bomb (VIDEO) — RT Russia & Former Soviet Union

What to Expect With the BRICS Countries Dropping the Dollar

Best Website I Have Found Exposing the Truth By a Real Honest to God Conspiracy Researcher!

Colonna Crime Corporation Social Media Accounts And Platforms Exposing the Super Douche Bags Running the World for their Evil Enrichment Living Like Kings and Queens while the Hardworking Peoples of All Nations STARVE. ...

What Are the Crazy Elite Capable of? Here’s a Short List. Please Like & Share.

Michael Zinis What else are “ they “ capable of ? Here’s a short list : Oklahoma City Bombing of The Edwin R Murrow bldg Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance Sanctions on Iraq that cost...