Category: Muammar Gaddafi

What Are the Crazy Elite Capable of? Here’s a Short List. Please Like & Share.

Michael Zinis What else are “ they “ capable of ? Here’s a short list : Oklahoma City Bombing of The Edwin R Murrow bldg Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance Sanctions on Iraq that cost...

The DREADFUL Chronology of Gaddafi’s Murder (One of the Greatest Humanitarians That Ever Lived)

The Dreadful Chronology of Gaddafi’s Murder October 7, 2016 Winter Watch Around the Web, Hidden History, International News, Politics 1 By Chris Welzenbach | 5 October 2016 COUNTER PUNCH — Jean-Paul Pougala’s April 14, 2011 piece in Pambazuka News titled “The Lies Behind the West’s War...

A Great Light Unto the World Has Died; RIP Janet Ossebaard Comment:  Although she did pretty good research I totally DISAGREE with her conclusions that we can rely on the Alphabet Agencies:  CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA to be now Free of Corruption.  They are...

Israel Has Sealed Its’ Fate As Has the United States; Countries Are Uniting Against Both


NATO (British Empire) Brings Death to LIBYA a Decade After Its Barbaric INVASION

In Gaza NATO brings death to Libya a decade after its barbaric intervention Eva Bartlett Sep 25 September 24, 2023, -by Eva Karene Bartlett If the country’s infrastructure hadn’t been destroyed in the bombings of...

The Synagogue of Satan Which Does It’s Dirty Deeds Through It’s Controlled Secret Societies

      “I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the Synagogue of Satan.” — Revelation 2:9 0ne group and one group alone is responsible...


FALL OF CABAL – Discover the criminal network that terrorizes humanity Who is really behind the wars that devastate humanity? Why are breakthrough cancer cures always suppressed? How come most of humanity is unhealthy,...

The Strength of the Wolf (CIA): Torture, Terrorism & the Subjugating of the Vietnamese

The Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America’s War on DrugsThe Strength of the Wolf: The Secret History of America’s War on Dr… 4.858 TDYTDY 4.751 The Strength of the Pack: The...

If Gaddafi Ran the United States We Would Not Have Homelessness, Rampant Drug Problems, and Terrorism Problems; We Would Have Peace, Prosperity & a Future. Sadly Our Cutthroats (NATO & U.S.) Murdered Peaceful Leader Gaddafi

SheeLilly#2 Cindy and Dakotah Rate the Final Season of the USA Cindy SheehanJun 10 Share This week on SheeLilly, Cindy Sheehan and Dakotah Lilly analyze the very collapse of the U.S. Empire that is...

Pro-Slavery Hillary Clinton Has Turned Libya Into Major Slaver Colony After Sending NATO in to Overthrow Ghaddafi; Turkey Illegally Sending Weapons Into Libya Against UN Resolution

BBC News Africa tegSMarfrcpochf t2n6r,i nstu20io2mhred0  · On January 24, a ship called the Bana set sail from Turkey. Four days later the ship vanished from the radar.Where did it go? What was it carrying? And why does...