Category: Your Health

The “Pandemic Treaty” is NOT DEAD! The powers that be are on a “war footing” and they seek to end “vaccine apartheid.” WAKE UP! James Roguski Jun 18

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more   WTFU STOP CELEBRATING! We LOST the first round of the battle in Geneva. The “Pandemic Treaty” is NOT DEAD! The powers that be are on a “war footing”...

Pfizer VP Blows Whistle (MUST SEE!): Vaccine Designed to Cause Lucrative Health Issues

RACIST WHITE MEN AT THE TOP OF the U.S. Gov’t, the CIA, Crack & Gangsta Rap to Put Black Men Into Prison For Profits

The Real Godfathers of Crack Cocaine & Gangsta Rap, President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), Vice President & President George H.W. Bush (1981-1993) GANGSTA RAP, CIA, MOSSAD & GENOCIDE STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON How George Herbert Walker Bush...

Toxic Chemtrailing Exposed By Pilots

The TRUTH about chemtrails from pilots. Richard Vobes 217K subscribers <__slot-el> Subscribe <__slot-el> </__slot-el> </__slot-el> Like Share Save 193K views 1 month ago 2024 The skies are awash with unusual trails in the skies....

The Bertarelli’s Are Involved With Big Pharma, Chemical Warfare and Child Trafficking

Kirsty Bertarelli and her husband Ernesto Bertarelli with Eva Herzigova. The Bertarellis are Italian-Swiss billionaires that work with the Corsinis and Savoys. The Bertarellis are involved with the pharmaceutical industry, chemical warfare, and also...

The Truth About the MONEYCHANGERS

WEF Promotes DEI (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion) or the Tranny/Gay Agenda AND Pedophilia The World Economic Forum is a Part of the British Satanic Empire.