Category: Slavery

U.S. Supports This Satanic Criminal and He/Israel Are Behind the IT Outage

Assymetric Stealthy Warfare Coming to America (Illegal Immigrant Invasion) Funded by the Criminal psychopath George Soros and his fellow Banksters.  The CIA & State Dept. are definitely Involved.

The Bertarelli’s Are Involved With Big Pharma, Chemical Warfare and Child Trafficking

Kirsty Bertarelli and her husband Ernesto Bertarelli with Eva Herzigova. The Bertarellis are Italian-Swiss billionaires that work with the Corsinis and Savoys. The Bertarellis are involved with the pharmaceutical industry, chemical warfare, and also...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett

Hey people! Let’s not let this happen again:   Carry on our struggle by sharing this (for now) final broadcasted program of Here We Stand from July 14, 2024:   All previous programs...

The Sadistic Torture and Terrorization of Palestinians is Something NO ONE SHOULD SUPPORT Including Biden & Trump!

The plan to make Israel the center of a one world government Comment:  All the Rothschilds should have their money taken from them and they should have to pay the Palestinians.  The Rothschilds and...

All Arguments to EXIT the UN! United Nations Created by Synagogue of Satan Rockefellers.

Do You Want To Lose Everything? Globalist organizations are systematically removing all the rights, freedoms and private property of humanity, as part of UN Agenda 2030. This agenda submits mankind to tyranny  this world has never...

Josef Mengele in Quebec in 1949 Got Special Treatment!

Josef Mengele in QUEBEC. oh yes it’s been going on FOREVER, Canada and our people being exploited by the US.and the CIA… in Quebec the MK ULTRA experiments being conducted at McGill university (aka...

Chateau des Amerois Castle (Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium) Fighting Monarch A Resistance Site For Survivors of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, and Illuminati Mind Control Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Instagram ABOUT RESOURCES TESTIMONIALS CONTACT INDEX   THIEVES OF THE WOOD, CHATEAU DES AMEROIS, &...

Politics is Not the Answer As The Politicians Are All Owned or Members of the Cabal 2 Pictured Presidents were involved in the Torture/Programming Session to either Murder or Create a Mind Controlled Dissociated Assassin.  Guess Who They Were?  Hint :  CIA and Naval Backgrounds Jimmy Carter and Bush...