Operation Sandman; All the U.S. has to do is Dump the Relationship With the British & JOIN BRICS
https://www.brighteon.com/5b544235-1f5b-4a1d-8b66-a7c867071eba Why the U.S. MUST Join the BRICS: https://archive.prometheanpac.com/brics
https://www.brighteon.com/5b544235-1f5b-4a1d-8b66-a7c867071eba Why the U.S. MUST Join the BRICS: https://archive.prometheanpac.com/brics
Yes, Robert William Pickton is an MKULTRA torture-based/Satanic-Ritual-Abuse-based mind control slave with programming for being a ritual serial sex offender and ritual serial killer—but this programming has to be triggered by his handler/programmer—-his front alter...
https://stateofthenation.co/?p=238363#more-238363 Funded by the Criminal psychopath George Soros and his fellow Banksters. The CIA & State Dept. are definitely Involved.
ALL US presidents are compromised via video of them either sacrificing kids or having sex with one. This is the claim of both A Political Activist and a Conspiracy “Theorist” or maybe more accurately...
FBI Wants 20 Years to Produce Records on Oklahoma City Bombing Comment: The FBI is completely controlled by the CIA. FBI Director Webster found out about the CIA MKULTRA assassin creation program and was...
https://www.madmaxworld.tv/watch?id=66355710483ec6e1c6c028ed They are the crime syndicate known as the Jews, ZIONISTS, British Empire, etc. All belonging to Secret Societies. CIA Directors are ALL Members of Secret Societies. Mostly of Knights of Malta.
Here you have the plans of the underground corridors that connect the White House with the Capitol and other institutions in Washington DC. Hunter Biden & Finger Lakes Child Trafficking (& Disappearances) BY ADMIN · PUBLISHED OCTOBER...
JUSTIN TRUDEAU: MIND-CONTROLLED POSTER CHILD FOR PEDOPHILIA? Posted by Goodly Lawfulsociety | Jan 25, 2022 | Breaking News, Freedom Movement | 0 | Justin Trudeau’s visceral hatred of males (re. he says it’s peoplekind, not mankind) and Canada’s European heritage has made him an international...
Obama, Biden, Clinton, Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks By TerraZetzz – Monday, 26 April 2021, 21:24 PM 0 6276 ______________________________________________________ Obama/Biden/Clinton/Pelosi White House Pedophile Ring Uncovered by Wikileaks By Judy Byington...