Brutal Proof Blog

Rare Minerals Trump Is Seeking From Ukraine Are Russian

Rare Minerals Trump Is Seeking from Ukraine Are Russian

Economist George Pratt Shultz had a Side Job: Programming an MKULTRA Assassin

Randy Turner 4d  ·  Before I walked out of the Hotel where Reagan was shot, George Pratt Shultz took me into a room and programmed me, he said when I hear the lady yell Mr....

Dr. Martin Exposes Crime Cabal Behind Injections & Lockdown: Bill Gates, WHO, Etc.

Who Runs Things at the Top!Bill Gates, Front man, For a Cabal.Transgender in Charge of Health.Gates is under Rockefellers and works with them. RFK Jr’s blog which exposed this massive crime. DARPA involved.Cabal Celebs...

Iranian Lawmaker Publicly States He Will Not Hesitate to Assassinate President Trump Comment:  Having Iranian’s hero basically shot in the back as he was traveling to a peace meeting was really low and the worst move I think Trump could ever have made.  I was...