Category: COVERUPS

Criminal Corporation BlackRock Linked to Crooks, Trump’s Shooter, and Fink, CEO linked to Secret Societies

CIA is involved in creating School Shooters, Serial Killers, Assassins and Mind Controlled Manufactured Killers or MKULTRAs. MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13 BY ADMIN · JANUARY...

Pfizer VP Blows Whistle (MUST SEE!): Vaccine Designed to Cause Lucrative Health Issues

RACIST WHITE MEN AT THE TOP OF the U.S. Gov’t, the CIA, Crack & Gangsta Rap to Put Black Men Into Prison For Profits

The Real Godfathers of Crack Cocaine & Gangsta Rap, President Ronald Reagan (1981-1989), Vice President & President George H.W. Bush (1981-1993) GANGSTA RAP, CIA, MOSSAD & GENOCIDE STRAIGHT OUTTA COMPTON How George Herbert Walker Bush...

The Truth About the MONEYCHANGERS

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett

Hey people! Let’s not let this happen again:   Carry on our struggle by sharing this (for now) final broadcasted program of Here We Stand from July 14, 2024:   All previous programs...


Hide original message TODAY on Bastille Day, July 14: A Special Broadcast on Here We Stand you won’t want to miss” “The Outcasts’ Victory: Carrying It On” At 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern,...

ANTARCTICA’S Secret Space UFO Program is FULL of Military Contractors: Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin,etc.

Life Under the Jewish Crime Syndicate aka British Empire

Nearly Half of Germany’s Welfare Recipients are Foreigners Comment:  The EU was created and is controlled by the CIA in the United States.  The CIA does not represent the people of the United States. ...

FBI is Now Censoring Free Speech in Our UNFREE Country-USA

US Seizes Web Domains Over Alleged “Russian Disinformation” The British Empire runs the United States and Created Israel with the Balfour Declaration from One Rothschild to Another.  Israel is the Crime Capitol of the...