Category: Inventions Which Will Change the World

ANTARCTICA’S Secret Space UFO Program is FULL of Military Contractors: Raytheon, Lockheed-Martin,etc.

Sex Robots. Are They Part of A Satanic Depopulation Agenda? Made By Abyss Creations And experts recently expressed concern that the rising popularity of sex robots risked turning Japanese people into “an endangered species”. The warning came after a study linked rising sex doll ownership to declining birth...

Due to Nature of the Extreme Degeneracy of Our Owners NOTHING Surprises Me

Very Thoughtful Presentation on How We Are All Manipulated By Cabal Controlled ALT Media & Politicians…Starts at About 11 Minutes & The AI Agenda

Pinned by Dayz of Noah @pinnacleofglory 3 weeks ago 11:56 Putin and Tucker – cultural mediators 40:12 Elon Musk is the MAIN CHARACTER 1:05:04 Developer Kings – Altman, Microsoft, Palantir, Bryan Johnson 1:33:09 Bill Gates...

The AntiChrist

The AntiChrist  May 22nd, 2018  Awake Goy  Share The AntiChrist DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the...