Category: Canadian Holocaust

The “Pandemic Treaty” is NOT DEAD! The powers that be are on a “war footing” and they seek to end “vaccine apartheid.” WAKE UP! James Roguski Jun 18

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more   WTFU STOP CELEBRATING! We LOST the first round of the battle in Geneva. The “Pandemic Treaty” is NOT DEAD! The powers that be are on a “war footing”...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett

Hey people! Let’s not let this happen again:   Carry on our struggle by sharing this (for now) final broadcasted program of Here We Stand from July 14, 2024:   All previous programs...

Vatican Crimes (Killers of Children)

A Modest Proposal for Dealing with Vatican Crimes: Eat the Pope! by Kevin Annett In these latter days of planetary hysteria, everyone seems to be the enemy and the real villains keep getting away...

Chateau des Amerois Castle (Mothers of Darkness Castle in Belgium) Fighting Monarch A Resistance Site For Survivors of CIA, NSA, Tavistock, and Illuminati Mind Control Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Instagram ABOUT RESOURCES TESTIMONIALS CONTACT INDEX   THIEVES OF THE WOOD, CHATEAU DES AMEROIS, &...

CIA & Dept of Defense Involved in Killing Native Children in Canada

14.    R.W. Large Memorial Hospital, Waglisla: Founded by United Church missionary doctors in 1928. Still in operation. Site of widespread Eugenics experiments, forced sterilizations and mind control experiments by Dr. George Darby senior with Department of...

Burning the Churches Down That Burned Innocent Children. 60,000 Dead & Counting.

Why is it illegal to burn the churches that burned children? Blowback, Payback, and Judgement in the Great White North by Kevin Annett Crows Coming Home to Roost: The recently torched St. Anne’s Anglican...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett-We Are Winning!

TODAY on Here We Stand:   “With more than words: How we have fought back and won, with Kevin and Owen of the global Republic Alliance”   Sunday June 23 at 3 pm pacific,...

Another Mass Grave of the Catholic Church Biggest Killer of Children (Synagogue of Satan)

Mass Graves of Thousands of Children Killed By Fauci In Illegal Experiments Found in NYC Comment:  Pictured is Kevin Annett (Murder By Decree) and website holding a demonstration on behalf of Indian Children...

Murdered Children in Canada’s Holocaust

A Gallery of murdered Indian residential school children and survivors: Some of the 60,000 slaughtered children and the ongoing victims of Church-State terror in Canada Earth, cover not their blood! Children murdered at...

The Chinese Takeover & Crimes Against Humanity in Canada

“The Chinese takeover and its crimes against humanity in Canada: with Kevin Annett and Hugh Reilly of That Channel TV”   Sunday June 9 at 3 pm pacific, 6 pm eastern on , —...