Category: BRICs

De Dollarization Push at SCO Meeting as Rest of the World Knows U.S./U.K./Israel are Run by Madmen Criminals

Putin Highlights De-Dollarization Push at SCO Meeting Satanyahu is an example of a Madman. Israeli Generals Reportedly Want Truce With Hamas By infostormer  – July 3, 2024 The Jewish paper of record is saying...

This Will Be the Final Nail in the Coffin of the U.S. Dollar Which Will Become Obsolete

BRICS BUSINESS 2 minute read BRICS Gold-Backed Currency to Launch at 2024 Summit? Vinod Dsouza June 27, 2024 Source: BRICS aims to launch a new currency that will be backed by gold as...

What to Expect With the BRICS Countries Dropping the Dollar

America’s Attitude to Friends: We Don’t Like You. We Don’t Care About you. We Just USE you.

“we don’t like you; we don’t care about you; we just want to use you until there is nothing left and then we will discard you on the trash heap of history..”  BRUTALLY HONEST...