Category: RAPE/Torture

U.S. Giving Israel Massive Assistance to Level GAZA to the Ground; Babies Burnt to Death Alive in These Moloch Style Hell Fires

US Sent Israel 14,000 2,000-Pound Bombs Since Oct 7th, 2023 By infostormer  – June 29, 2024 Reuters is reporting that the United States gave Israel 14,000 2,000-pound bombs since October 7th, 2023.   Here’s...

CIA & Dept of Defense Involved in Killing Native Children in Canada

14.    R.W. Large Memorial Hospital, Waglisla: Founded by United Church missionary doctors in 1928. Still in operation. Site of widespread Eugenics experiments, forced sterilizations and mind control experiments by Dr. George Darby senior with Department of...

Politics is Not the Answer As The Politicians Are All Owned or Members of the Cabal 2 Pictured Presidents were involved in the Torture/Programming Session to either Murder or Create a Mind Controlled Dissociated Assassin.  Guess Who They Were?  Hint :  CIA and Naval Backgrounds Jimmy Carter and Bush...

U.S. Foreign Policy is ALWAYS About Mass Murder of Children & Uncle Satan Likes ONLY Pedophiles

US Sent Israel 14,000 2,000-Pound Bombs Since Oct 7th, 2023 America’s Chester the Molestor Presidents are fed child sex slaves by the CIA.  FACT.  Roy Cohn, Trump’s Mentor, was one such slave handler feeding...

Burning the Churches Down That Burned Innocent Children. 60,000 Dead & Counting.

Why is it illegal to burn the churches that burned children? Blowback, Payback, and Judgement in the Great White North by Kevin Annett Crows Coming Home to Roost: The recently torched St. Anne’s Anglican...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett-We Are Winning!

TODAY on Here We Stand:   “With more than words: How we have fought back and won, with Kevin and Owen of the global Republic Alliance”   Sunday June 23 at 3 pm pacific,...

AIPAC Has Corrupted American Politicians to the Point of No Return; Same With CIA/Mossad Who Provided the Children For These Politicians To Be Filmed With

Israeli Spy Ben Shapiro Defends AIPAC Buying US Politicians By infostormer  – June 22, 2024 Everyone’s favorite Zionist kike piece of shit and Israeli spy Ben Shapiro is at it again. He is defending...

Bring’em To DC!!!

Bibi Says That Hamas Would Shoot Fags in the Back of the Head By infostormer  – June 22, 2024 Bibi is telling American faggots who support Palestinians that they should not do so. He...

Proof Big Pharma is Criminal (Was Created By the Rockefellers); Nazi Type Experiments Killing Children in America The same shit was done to the Native kids in Canada….at least 50,000 were MURDERED this way and many other ways.

Moscow’s Reasonable 2009 Proposal Was Rejected B/C the U.S./U.K. Boy Raping Political Leaders Insist on Being the King of the World

Russia’s “Fourteen Points” for a European Security Policy: Why Was Moscow’s 2009 Proposal Rejected? By Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirović Global Research, April 26, 2024 Region: Europe, Russia and FSU, USA Theme: History   Translate WebsiteShqipአማርኛالعربيةՀայերենAzərbaycan diliEuskaraБеларуская моваবাংলাBosanskiБългарскиCatalàCebuanoChichewa简体中文繁體中文CorsuHrvatskiČeština‎DanskNederlandsEnglishEestiFilipinoSuomiFrançaisქართულიDeutschΕλληνικάગુજરાતીKreyol ayisyenHarshen Hausaעִבְרִיתहिन्दीHmongMagyarÍslenskaIgboBahasa...