Call Congress: 202-224-3121 OPPOSE Agenda 21 and Oppose Funding United Nations!
Green Fascism The British Empire’s Green Fascism June 25, 2015 The COP21 Climate summit will be convening at the end of the month in Paris. World leaders will be gathering in what is already...
She probably has no problem using depleted uranium & phosphorus on our “enemies” either. She qualifies as a Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Senator. Some of her views on other issues: Strongly Opposes topic 4: Keep...
US is run by vicious malignant sociopaths violating countries sovereign status: Russia respects countries rights to govern themselves. These countries don’t want our “demonocracy”. Wake up Amerika!!! Putin addresses O’Bama’s terrorist policies. I do not believe...
Ideological “Roots” of the Green Movement The founders and leaders of today’s environmentalist movement couldn’t care less about the health of our planet. From its beginning, the modern environmentalist movement was founded as a...