Category: Animal Rights

He Likes Torturing Beagle PUPPIES! Why is PETA Silent?

PETA is silent cuz they are part of the same Crime Cabal running the U.S. Gov’t which Controls Hollywood.  PETA actually mass murdered 30,000 pets a few years ago.  They don’t give a rats...

Christmas in the Nut Bar

Comments:  Animals including wild ones should have the rights to not be abused, to be healthy, to have enough food, etc.  My birds are well fed even though they are Wild.  Love this cute...


Uncle Sam forces you to pay $20 billion in taxes—that’s billion with a “B”—for wicked and wasteful experiments on animals. Every. Single. Year. Whether you like it or not. So, just in time for Halloween,...

BBC animal expert ‘raped puppies, tortured dogs’; British Empire Controls Media & Favors Psychos Like This One

28 Sep, 2023 04:29 HomeWorld News BBC animal expert ‘raped puppies, tortured dogs’ A judge trying the producer has warned that the “grotesque” case details were enough to cause “nervous shock” FILE PHOTO: British...

Evil Runs the USA. Israeli Mossad Planned, Engineered and Executed the Fukushima Disaster; Now ALL of Us Are Eating Radiation Poisoned Fish

Journalist Accuses Israel of Fukushima Sabotage Comment:  Pictured is the VICIOUS child Abuser Herbert the Pervert Walker Bush who sadistically tortured children in the CIA Monarch and MKULTRA SLAVE Programs that he sexually tortured...