Category: GMO’s

The Long Planned WW3 of the Secret Societies Answering to the British Empire Pike had become a Mason in 1850 and quickly rose through its ranks, becoming the SGC in 1859. He rewrote and interpreted Masonic rituals and compiled the Southern Jurisdiction’s first philosophical document, Morals and Dogma...

True Horrific Crime (CIA Style)

She was raped, tortured and murdered in her 41 days of terrible ordeal! Comment: Yakuza is part of the Organized Crime Ring Running Canada working with the Gov’t of Canada, the Triad, and others...

KGB Radio With a Conscience

KGB Radio With a Conscience

[Secret Societies] Bilderbergers Meet This W/E; CIA Director Attending Along With Pfizer CEO & NSC Directors, VP Facebook & Other Billionaire Criminals NEW – Jacinda Ardern, PM of New Zealand, visited the headquarters of BlackRock, the “world’s largest shadow bank” with $10 trillion in assets under management. NEW – 68th Bilderberg meeting, with participants from...

The U.S. Empire Will Be Defeated By It’s Own Self (Aka British Monarchy & Empire Cuz That’s Who U.S. Troops Fight For-Secret Societies)

The US Empire Will Be Defeated By The US Empire: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix Caitlin Johnstone Jun 3 9945 Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ Comment: Secret...

President of European Pharma Giant charged for falsifying COVID Vaccination Record & purchasing fake Vaccine Passport; Celebrities/Elites Caught Doing Same! All Are Secret Society “EL-ite”

Monday, May 30, 2022 President of European Pharma Giant charged for falsifying COVID Vaccination Record & purchasing fake Vaccine Passport Spanish police carried out an investigation – Operation Jenner – which uncovered a vast...

Massive Strange Disappearances in U.S. National Parks

Comment: -As U.S. Government makes close to $100 billion a year they don’t want to lose their Cash Cow. – A list of missing persons for the entire United States park systems was a...