Category: Soros

A Great Light Unto the World Has Died; RIP Janet Ossebaard Comment:  Although she did pretty good research I totally DISAGREE with her conclusions that we can rely on the Alphabet Agencies:  CIA, FBI, DIA, NSA to be now Free of Corruption.  They are...

“US Secretary of State [Antony Blinken] says ‘I approach Israel as a Jew, not as a secretary of state.’

Israel-Palestine war: Erdogan lashes out at Blinken over sectarian position ‘You should approach people as humans’ says Turkish president, as he accuses US of exacerbating tensions by sending aircraft carriers to assist Israel. Turkish...

Satanic Sadistic Pedophiles of the CIA Want You to Feel Sympathy For Them But Not Their Victims

CIA CLASSIFIED Projects: Torture & SEXUAL Trauma Are ALL Part of the Life of the Severely Abused Monarch Mind Controlled Slave-WARNING!!! GRAPHIC!!! – Brutal Proof These are the Satanic Pedophiles who will benefit with...

Open Borders Benefit Crime Cartels Drug Smuggling & Human Trafficking

REPORT: How George Soros Funded The Invasion At Our Southern Border | Launch Liberty Comment:  Soros is a Rothschild ZIONIST & Money Man for the Rothschilds. Jesuits, Pope Francis, Soros support for open borders,...

Soros’ DA Reigns in Oakland Amidst Exploding Violent Crime; Pamela Price LOVES Rapists, Killers, Burglars.

Oakland NAACP, LaRouche PAC’s Mindy Pechenuk, and Alameda Republicans Fight Soros-Sponsored DA By LaRouchePAC Posts August 07, 2023 Login to follow Alameda County DA Pamela Price [Lover of Violent Criminals] ShareFacebookTwitterPrintFriendly When Alameda County DA...

Secret Societies Control All Sides Pitting Them Against Each Other Towards A NWO

Trump, DeSantis & the Masonic Jewish (Right-Left) Tag Team May 21, 2023 (On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921....

How CRIMINAL Our Political Parties ARE (Under the CIA Which Took Over the Mafia a Long Time Ago)

Comment:  The CIA is a Gay Pedophile MAFIA Running Governments, Countries, the Media, All Politicians Everywhere & U.S. Presidents for at least 25 years.  All our Presidents have been Homosexual Pedophiles for At Least...

Compromised Pedophiles-in-Chief (Current & Past Presidents) Unite to Fly Illegals Into America Many Directly From Foreign Prisons

BIPARTISAN TREASON: Obama, Clinton, and Bush partner with American Express to fly illegal aliens into American communities Sunday, April 23, 2023 by: Ethan Huff Tags: bush, Clinton, Collapse, election rigging, illegal immigration, illegals, invasion, invasion usa, Joe Biden, migrants, Obama, occupation, Open Borders, replacement, Suppressed, traitors, treason, White House This article may contain...