Category: Education

Congressman Massie (KY) Calls for Biden’s Impeachment. Call Congress to Support This!

US Congressman Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Over His Approval of US Missile Strikes Deep into Russia November 19, 202423 Reaction in the United States to news of the first strike by American rockets ATACMS on the...

Financial Collapse Predicted Way Back in 2002-Svali-Illuminati Insider-Prepare NOW

Svali- In 2002, Illuminati Defector Predicted Financial Collapse March 17, 2023   “The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic.” Svali’s revelations almost 20...

Twelve Outlawed Memories by Sarah Webster

Twelve Outlawed Memories None of the boys had eaten anything for three days, besides some rotting food thrown away by the staff. So, even working together, they had barely enough strength to drag their...

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett-We Are Winning!

TODAY on Here We Stand:   “With more than words: How we have fought back and won, with Kevin and Owen of the global Republic Alliance”   Sunday June 23 at 3 pm pacific,...

The Ones REALLY IN CONTROL Are Not ELECTED; They are Secret Society

What Are the Crazy Elite Capable of? Here’s a Short List. Please Like & Share.

Michael Zinis What else are “ they “ capable of ? Here’s a short list : Oklahoma City Bombing of The Edwin R Murrow bldg Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance Sanctions on Iraq that cost...

Vancouver School Board Censors the Truth About Genocide in Canada in Service to the British Monarchy & Empire

An Open Public Letter to the Vancouver School Board Why are you censoring the truth about genocide in Canada? The author Kevin Annett (left) and other youthful rebels, October 1973, Vancouver If it was...

Priest Terrance MacNamara’s Open Admission That Canada’s Churches Were All About Land Theft From Indigenous

The Admission by Kevin Annett In a society where murder is officially sanctioned, there can be no regret and no justice. – Simon Wiesenthal It is always possible to bind together a certain number of...

The AntiChrist

The AntiChrist  May 22nd, 2018  Awake Goy  Share The AntiChrist DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the...

Another Gay Activist Charged With Raping Children The child predator pictured was hired by the Houston Library to read to children!  The Child predators of the CIA are behind pushing gay & trannie rights on the people of the U.S.A. ...