Category: Culture

Burning the Churches Down That Burned Innocent Children. 60,000 Dead & Counting.

Why is it illegal to burn the churches that burned children? Blowback, Payback, and Judgement in the Great White North by Kevin Annett Crows Coming Home to Roost: The recently torched St. Anne’s Anglican...

Julian Assange Most Damaging Stuff Is Directed at the USA as the U.S. of A is Going Through A TAKEDOWN Comment:  Julian Assange is part of the Secret Society Jewish Crime Cabal.  The U.S. people are targeted for takedown and destruction by this Jewish Cabal which explains the Why all the damaging information...

America’s Trannie Culture is a Tavistock Creation Out of London, U.K.

Cornerstone Article to the Reading of Winter Watch: The Tavistock Method of Brainwashing and Social Psychiatry April 7, 2023 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Culture, Hidden History, International News, Media, US News, Winter Watch Articles 20 ‘The proper study of political mankind is...