Category: Asia

Financial Collapse Predicted Way Back in 2002-Svali-Illuminati Insider-Prepare NOW

Svali- In 2002, Illuminati Defector Predicted Financial Collapse March 17, 2023   “The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic.” Svali’s revelations almost 20...

Japan’s War of Self Defense

INTERNAL AD Available at Amazon. Click on book cover. * The big lie of World War II – referred to as The Greater East Asia War by Imperial Japan — has left a nasty...

U.S. and U.K. Empire Loot & Steal From Other Countries to Their Detriment

All The Different Ways of War Courtesy of the United States of the British Empire

While Americans CHEER ON THEIR Military All the “Wars” (Invasions of Sovereign Nations) Are Fought For the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN

  The Synagogue of Satan uses the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other intelligence agencies to Compromise Wealthy Elite having Sex with Kids as well as Politicians who are some of the Most degenerate sick...

CIA, Mossad, British MI6 and Other Intelligence Agencies Are the Architects of Wars

Rothschild, father of all wars is a Satanist criminal and controls America’s politicians and all Central banks in the world in every country with the exception of North Korea and maybe 2 other countries....

THE VAXX To Depopulate the Earth & Mind Control the Survivors

Time to Make a Choice: BRICS (Winning) vs G7 (Losing)

Henry Kissinger, former U.S. Secretary of State and self-admitted British agent of influence over American foreign policy, had once declared that history “is not made in the South.” That imperial outlook has now been...

Genocidal Maniacs Have Released Replicon-Dr. James Thorp Donnovia1 week ago Even TRUMP pushing BIOWEAPON 💉💉 for YEARS and Stating ON VIDEO ‘I am the Father of Covid 19 Vaccine ‘ ALSO MASS MURDERER by PROXY! Yes, Trump is be better...