Rogue, Criminal CIA Director Hayden Calls For Yet ANOTHER ASSASSINATION [FOR Murder,Inc. aka CIA]
Ex-CIA Director Hayden Publicly Calls For Assassination Of GOP Senator
Deep State globalist used to doing whatever he wants with impunity. CIA works for the Imperial Satanic British Empire making them TRAITORS to America and Americans. CIA uses Mind Controlled Assassins or MKULTRA’s as They are Commonly Known.
Michael Hayden, a former CIA & NSA Director, posted to the social media site X over the weekend to call for the death of Alabama GOP Senator Tommy Tuberville.
One X user had asked if Tuberville should be removed from the Senate Armed Services Committee for blocking Biden administration military nominations, and Hayden replied, “How about the human race?”
Libby Emmons of The Post Millennial wrote, “Former CIA director – who lied to cover for Hunter Biden – has apparently just called for the death of US Senator Tommy Tuberville.”
The inflammatory remark went viral online, and several individuals called out Hayden for what may have been an illegal threat against a sitting U.S. politician.
Editor-in-chief at The Federalist Mollie Hemingway noted, “Former CIA Director Michael Hayden calls for the assassination of Sen. Tuberville because the senator is performing desperately needed oversight of the U.S. Military. Hayden, a renowned civil liberties violator, promoted the Biden laptop coverup and the Russia collusion scam.”
Comment: But no mention of Hunter Biden’s Finger Lakes tattoo or connection to child trafficking in Finger Lakes?
Former Trump National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn chimed in on social media, arguing Hayden should be arrested.
“He should be immediately arrested,” Flynn wrote Tuesday. “Yes, I said it. He is talking about eliminating a sitting US Senator from the human race (his words!!!)! Our nation is at such risk right now and there is almost zero trust in any of our government institutions. This lack of trust is exactly because of arrogant A$$e$ like Hayden. He being a former CIA and NSA Director making this statement only exacerbates this extraordinary lack of trust.”
Flynn continued, “The DOJ & FBI must take this threat seriously and hold him accountable. @GOP must do the same. This is not a joke. These are very serious times in America and we need to find ways to fix our American problems otherwise, we won’t have an America for much longer. God help us.”
Donald Trump Jr. also commented on Hayden’s statement, tagging X owner Elon Musk and writing, “The former Director of CIA, who lied to the world about Hunter’s laptop being Russian disinformation and disgraced himself even before that when, as head of NSA, he pioneered warrantless surveillance in the US — now wants to assassinate a US Senator. cc: @ElonMusk @Safety.”
Hayden issued another statement Tuesday, saying he was “surprised to wake up” to “MAGAnuts” losing their minds over his suggestion that Tuberville shouldn’t be considered a member of the human race.
“I stand by that view,” he said before awkwardly wishing Tuberville a nice day. “I’m wishing you all a nice day even the intransigent Tommy Tuberville.”
The unhinged former CIA head previously suggested Donald Trump should be executed over the phony nuclear documents scandal and claimed the GOP is currently the most dangerous force on Earth.
The corrupt globalist stooge also once called for the arrest of Infowars founder Alex Jones for allegedly “threatening the life” of Joe Biden, which was an absurd claim.
Jones responded to Hayden’s comments in the epic video below:
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What Lying CIA Directors Are Covering Up:
Hunter Biden & Finger Lakes Child Trafficking (& Disappearances)
Hunter Biden & the Finger Lakes Region – Seneca Lake
fanofootball3 days ago

- McATV: Finger Lakes System – A submarine base is located at Senaca Lake and there is a tunnel system there as well. The Political Elite’s fav holiday destination because it is secluded & affluent.
- McATV: Finger Lakes is the birthplace of Hunter Biden’s mother Neilia.
- Sonnenburg Mansion in the area was once the home of the founder of Citibank (before it became Citi) MCATV: – Another Biltmore?
The region is known to be a hotspot for both missing persons reports, and child sex trafficking

What the hell is this in the middle of Lake Seneca?
- Political leaders travel to the Finger Lakes to learn about significant freedom movements
- McATV: Here at one of their resorts is a Masonic Symbol which is denoting Sodomy of course. These people have gutter minds. Look I ran around saying ”I’m an artist” – you know I thought I had seen everything. This stuff these people are doing – Oh – Er – This is – Below the gutter. GW: Yep. Really Gross. Sick.
- Henry Makow: Freemasonry’s Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy
- All U Need 2 Know About Freemasonry as a Child of God – WotW Reference.
- Pelosi stops at Senaca Falls – Pelosi was in Finger Lakes when she was inducted into the National Women’s Hall of Fame 2013.
- GOP leaders Celebrate Finger Lakes Reopening
- Fingering Hunter – General 4 Chan
- Hunter Biden and Malia O’Bama do Cocaine & other things – Good Lord!

Comment: If you’re not a Chester the Molestor you Don’t Belong to This Club.
McATV: Follow the families. They are ALL ”Crime Families” & [[[they]]] interbreed.
- McATV: The Military was being infiltrated as well.
- McATV: Something big is coming the way of Paul Pelosi Jr.
25 October 2020: Nancy Pelosi’s Son Paul Is Evidently a Corrupt Pedophile Too
- 9 December 2019: EXCLUSIVE: FBI Hunts For Information on Paul Pelosi Jr. As Family Business Dealings Come Under Fire

These children are missing today.
Hunter Biden & the Finger Lakes Region – Seneca Lake
- The Maxwell Connection- Isabel Maxwell: Israel’s “Back Door” Into Silicon Valley. By moving in “the same circles as her father” and vowing to “work only on things involving Israel,” Isabel Maxwell became a pivotal liaison for the entry of Israeli intelligence-linked tech firms into Silicon Valley with the help of Microsoft’s two co-founders, Paul Allen and Bill Gates.
See McAllisterTV @UGETube
Hunter’s Hideous Laptop! Finger Lakes Child Trafficking! TUNNELS! DUMBS! .mp4

Comment: [[[They]]] get off on Dark Energy. This is also another reason for the lockdowns. [[[They]]] don’t want people congregating and having a good time (positive energy).
GW: That’s why we must do exactly the opposite of what [[[they]]] require right now. If [[[they]]] require Dark Negative Energy, the we must Project as much positive energy & love as possible – like Brian Gerrish said the other day on Graham Moore’s Show when they touched on Christianity. It’s Bonfire Night soon. Light up that Fire Pit folks & shine your light into the darkness! Even a well lit lamp will suffice. We will be doing just that down here at ”Watch Under the Willows” – Remember Remember 5th November. Although it was probably an early FF according to the latest whispers doing the rounds.
Above is from Randy Turner, Child Sex Slave, to Politician Perverts. At the top they Are ALL Pervert Pedophiles. Fact not Fiction. Following is How Randy Was Turned Into a MKULTRA AND a Sex Slave:
The Making of a Mind Controlled Assassin
MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day to Randy Who Had Just Turned 13 Years Old
MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randy Turner as a teenager.
This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time.
George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office at the time. They came into the bedroom of the house I was staying in with Marcheline Bertrand. I had went on a white house tour about a week prior and had to defend myself from Bush Jr. for telling him to get away from some kids in our tour group that he was perving out on.
Jr had grabbed two of them and rubbed their heads against his crotch.
I told him to get away from the kids and he said Randy I like you boy as he walked walking over and placed his arm around my shoulder then he sucker punched me in the gut.
I bent down from the punch to my gut then stood up hitting him with an upper cut to the chin knocking him down.
A kid named Paul Bonacci was with Jr.
Our tour was passing through the kitchen at the time where George Jr. and Paul were getting something to eat.
Bush Jr. stood up after I punched him and said oh! Randy’s a fighter! Then he came at me and I rabbit punched him about 5
times in the face before he could throw a punch and he went down.
I grabbed the kids and told Jr to stay down or he would end up in the hospital. He stayed down till I left with the kids and we caught up to the others in our tour group. Jon Voight was part of the group ahead of me and found out what happened. He was afraid Bush Sr. who was CIA at the time would be mad at him. He invited me to the billiards room and as I opened the door I was hit in the face with a beer mug cracking one of my teeth. I got up and started going towards Jr but Voight stopped me and said it was over you got Jr. and now Jr. got you back so it ends here! Voight set the whole thing up so the little punk could get a cheap revenge shot in. which ended up cracking my front tooth at the root leaving me with a dead tooth.
Randy Turner explaining the torture and how they create one or more of his mind control alternates.
Not to be confused with Multiple personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Though they use techniques that have been found to be the cause of DID it is not the same.
A MKUltra must be activated via drugs and Alternates called out by a handler whereas a DID or MPD will have a multiple come out due to something traumatic occurring:
(Randy is talking about being held down and tortured by Bill Day, Photojournalist, ex-President Herbert Walker Bush and ex-President Jimmy Carter) Randy replied that all these people were a bunch of sadistic psychopathic perverts.
Randy Turner’s Account of Sexual Abuse by Bill Day, Jimmy Carter and Herbert the Pervert Walker Bush when he was around the age of 13.
Maybe a week After I had beat Bush Jr. up during our white house tour I am laying in bed and wake up to Bill Day walking into the room.
He sat on the bed to my left and grabbed my left arm then G.H.W Bush walks in and then {Jimmy} Carter walks in and I was thinking wtf is the president doing in my bedroom?
Carter gets on the bed and grabs my right arm and I believe they shoved these long cardboard tubes on my arms which were to make sure I wasn’t able to fight back.
Bush says I heard what u did to my boy you son of a bitch! Bush reaches down and grabs my testicles and starts crushing them.
I was begging them to kill me the pain was so bad and I must have passed out from the pain.
Bill Day was saying things into my left ear as Bush was torturing me, something about not trusting cops or authority and at some point I passed out. {Torture Programming to Create a Dissociated Assassin.}
I recall coming to looking down and seeing poppy sucking on my penis.
Carter was saying something into my right ear as Bush was trying to stimulate me sexually; he was saying something about sex with boys, girls, young or old is all good like he was trying to convince me nothing was wrong with sex with young kids with older women and men. I don’t recall what all they programmed just the beginning of it and the rest is a blur. [Sex Slave Programming.]
This continued for what seemed like an hour or more but during one of my court trials Bush claimed I popped within 15 minutes.
When being tortured to this extreme 15 minutes can feel like and hour.
The (popping) is what happens when the brain is unable to deal with the pain it makes a physical change and when this occurs you feel and hear a popping sound in your head.
I am no expert on how it works but I do recall some medical professional explaining it during my court trial saying the brain can physically alter itself to stop pain receptors in some people.
This popping noise is that the victims hear and feel in their head.
It is at this point the Alternates are created.
These Alternates are given names and have completely different personalities from the person being programmed.
The drug they use (Adrenochrome) allows the programmer to feed information into the subconscious and when the drug wares off the victim will have no memory of what took place or a very vague memory of something but usually will relate it to a dream or nightmare they had and not reality.
Comment: Mind Control is essentially a Rockefeller/Rothschild Zionist project and done on military bases in conjunction with the CIA primarily. The Rockefeller’s/Rothschild’s consider themselves ‘Jews’ but are the Synagogue of Satan and mind control is a Satanic project.
Fritz Springmeier has heavily researched Mind Control and his pdf books are readily available for free on the internet.
Insider Comments on Nelson Rockefeller Assassination by 13 Year Old MKUltra Programmed by H.W. Bush & Others
Randy Turner
19 hrs ·
David Rockefeller had his brother Nelson assassinated via poisoning by a 13 year old MKUltra which G.H.W Bush programmed to poison him. Nelson was going to run for president and David didn’t want Nelson in because he couldn’t control him. After Bush had Nelson assassinated David went back on his promise to make George president and instead chose Reagan as President and George VP. This led to George using the 13 year old MKUltra to frame David as taking part in drugging and t…See More