Category: Soros

When You’re Talking About Corruption You’re Hitting the Jackpot in the United States: Sidney Powell Lists Four Alleged Co-Conspirators Preparing Massive RICO Case (Organized Crime Syndicate) Against Smartmatic & Dominion

POLITICS Sidney Powell Lists Four Alleged Co-Conspirators as She Prepares Massive RICO Case Against Smartmatic, Dominion The fight for electoral integrity is far from over. Published 2 days ago  on Dec 10, 2020 ByShane Trejo take...

Rand Paul Attacked by Mafia (Zionist Soros) Financed Mobs After He Presents the Ban on No Knock Raids: Justice For Breonna Taylor Act

Ron Wieczorek AugsgnutusihSprgtg nc2eSSon9ar esaot 11r:3erh1d PdrMSs  Sen. Rand Paul and Wife Attacked by Jacobin Mobs outside the White House Aug. 29 (EIRNS) — Sen. Rand Paul and his wife Kelley Paul each wrote letters documenting the attack...

Kenosha Embraces Martial Law Rather Than Arrest & Prosecute George Soros [Zionist] Who Funds This Violence; All of These Political Puppets Including Trump Are Owned by the ZIONIST Cabal

martial law[ˈˌmärSHəl ˈlô]NOUN military government, involving the suspension of ordinary law.”unlike the previous military interventions, the general did not declare martial law” What would happen if martial law was declared in America?First and foremost,...

Zionist Rothschild Crime Syndicate

ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE ATTACKS ON AMERICANS’ AND HUMANITY’S BRAINS — Brad Pitt Reveals: Elite Hollywood Pedophiles Control America and Angelina Jolie reveals she was initiated into Hollywood Illuminati June 27, 2018 by concisepolitics ROTHSCHILDS CRIME SYNDICATE ATTACKS...

US Taxpayers Paid for 5,000 Cans of Spray Paint Used by Student “Activists” (Paid Vandals) to Scrawl Anti-Milošević Graffiti on Walls Across Serbia.

CIA Backed Color Revolutions (In Service to Zionist [Six Pointed Star] Empire) The Dishonest Career of the Remarkable Srđa Popović (For Profit Activism) By F. William EngdahlGlobal Research, October 03, 2017New Eastern Outlook 1 October 2017Region: EuropeTheme: History, Intelligence, US...

Belarus Besieged by CIA Staged Protests (CIA Is Organized Crime)

Belarus: CIA Stages Protests After Lukashenko Wins Election infostormer – August 10, 20201WorldThe usual suspects are claiming with no evidence that the election was rigged.Read more