Category: Geopolitics

Another Mass Grave of the Catholic Church Biggest Killer of Children (Synagogue of Satan)

Mass Graves of Thousands of Children Killed By Fauci In Illegal Experiments Found in NYC Comment:  Pictured is Kevin Annett (Murder By Decree) and website holding a demonstration on behalf of Indian Children...

Dr. Evil Fauci: mRNA Will ‘Depopulate’ Kids The Celebs, Politicians & media talking heads promoting these murder injections are all PSYCHOPATHS and members of the cabal.  They consider us as animals. and consider themselves superior to we animals.  They are...

The CIA, Bush & Child Trafficking With Sue Arrigo, M.D.

Many, Many Americans Approved of Dropping These Bombs On Japan; Time For the Sane to Step Forward Comment:  The U.S. is perceived as Satan (feature Picture).  A MUST READ “Small Black Bundles” which the U.S. Media Engineered Public Support for.  The U.S. Media is run by the Rothschilds & Rockefellers...

Those I Dare Not Name Gave Emperor Nero a Bad Rap & A Bad Rep

The Ultimate Bad Rap: Emperor Nero, the Great Populist, Savior of the Ancient City of Rome January 2, 2024 Russ Winter Articles by Russ Winter, Culture, Hidden History, International News, Politics, Winter Watch Articles 27 IMAGE: ‘What an artist the world...