Herbert the Pervert Bush Sr Laughs at JFK Shooting (Randy Stated Bush Was Involved)
16 Year Old MKUltra Used for Reagan Assassination Photo and Video Proof!
16 Year Old MKUltra Used for Reagan Assassination Photo and Video Proof!
The Reagan Assassination Attempt
This is the true story of a CIA MKUltra victim who was used at the age of 16 to assassinate then President Ronald Reagan.
Randal has proof to validate being used as a CIA Mind Control assassin during the attempt.
We can see in this video footage that Randal locks himself in the back seat of the patrol car they first attempted to place John Hinckley Jr. into.https://www.youtube.com/embed/Hk-fQue-W-o?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque
Randal carried the nuclear football during the shooting which is a satchel with electronic equipment used to authorize a nuclear attack while the president is away from a fixed command center.
After the shooting he stood up and ran to the limo Reagan was been pushed into by Jerry Par during the shooting.
Jerry Par rolled the window down in a panic and informed Randal that Reagan had been hurt and they needed to get him to the hospital then the limo drove off leaving Randal with the Nuclear Football.
This is a photo of Randal lying on the ground holding the satchel after being knocked to the ground during the shooting.


Randal then placed the satchel under his coat and ran up the driveway to the upper

Hilton which can be seen in the video.https://www.youtube.com/embed/448ar9R5Rs8?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque
As he was running he came across a patrol car heading down to the area of the shooting.
He informed the officer he had the nuclear satchel and needed to locate where they took Reagan.
The officer allowed Randal get into the back seat and drove down to the scene of the shooting to try and find out where Reagan had been taken.
This is where they tried to place Hinckley inside the patrol car.
Randal having the nuclear football in the back seat tried to wave them away as they tried to open the door but the officer trying to open the door was not paying attention and reached in unlocking the door.
Randal reached over and relocked the door then pointed to the briefcase as the officer looked inside he then noticed Randal in the back which can be seen in the video and he may have said it was in use if you know what occurred and watch the video again.https://www.youtube.com/embed/Hk-fQue-W-o?feature=oembed&wmode=opaque
This recording was never made public by the mainstream media and the mainstream media claimed the door lock was broken as the reason the police could not get the shooter John Hinckley into the police car.
In the video when slowed down you can clearly see Randal reach over and re-lock the door after they un-locked it.
These moments were covered up by the media who were either paid off or were part of the cover-up and the footage was not released at that time.
A day before the shooting Alexander Haig had Randal’s haircut and dyed and dressed in a uniform that matched Reagans regular aide Colonel Jose Murattis, to make Randal look as close to Reagans regular military aide as possible.
Haig then gave Randal his instructions on what to do saying he needed to stay close to the president at all times.
A couple weeks before the shooting Reagan and Bush Sr. were having a discussion at their secret society after hour party in the White House at which James Brady was present and intoxicated from liquor.
James walked up to Reagan and Bush Sr. and said: How are you ladies doing!
Bush Sr. told Brady to learn his place at which James replied: We are all equals at these events Bush! Reagan looked at Bush and said “you know, he’s right George we are all equals during these parties.”
James looked at Bush and said: Yah you son of a bitch! Then he staggered away in a state of anger over Bush speaking down to him.
It was at this point I believe James ended up becoming one of George Bush’s targets.
Around a week after the Brady incident, George Bush Sr. and Director of Central Intelligence William J. Casey planned Reagan’s assassination because Reagan rejected Vice President George Bush’s request to have the trade agreement with China changed.
This assassination would put Bush in the presidential seat which would seal the trade deal with China.
At the time they were not listed as a friendly nation so trade was not allowed.
Bill Gates made a deal to give 22.5% of Microsoft to Randal for a $275,000 investment and to make a request and get Reagan to change the US China Trade agreement which would eventually allow Microsoft to manufacture in China.
Randal brought his request to George Bush Sr. who rejected it.
However, Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger over heard the request and discussed it with Bush in a private conversation in his office.
Caspar convinced Bush to get it changed stating if they changed the agreement they could sell old stock military arms to China.
Randal over heard this conversation by placing a glass to the door when he was sent out of the room so they could talk about the arms sale deal.
Bush came out of the room and told Randal he changed his mind and decided to help Randal get it changed.
Bush brought this request to Reagan who rejected it.
Randal saw Bush as he was heading to William Casey’s office telling Randal they had a problem with Reagan.
Bush walked into Casey’s office and Randal overheard Bush tell Casey via a cracked door “if he doesn’t cooperate we will do to him what we had done to the Kennedy brothers”
Randal was supposed to shoot Reagan by them using his MKUltra programming but didn’t shoot.
Looking at the video Randal has determined the officer in front of him had jumped back knocking Randal to the ground when Hinckley began shooting at his target James Brady.
The fall caused Randal to snap out of his programming, Randal was confused and looked at Reagan’s limo as it started to drive away from the curb.
At this point Randal got up and ran towards the limo knowing the nuclear football was supposed to be at Reagan’s side at all times.
Just prior to the shooting you can hear a women yelling “Mr. Reagan.. President Reagan”.
Randal believes those were activation words in his MKUltra programming directing him to turn and shoot as he has a clear memory of somebody repeating those words to him prior to the shooting and saying turn and shoot.
This occurred in a waiting room in the hotel just before walking out behind Reagan and the others.
Somebody had taken Randal into the room and told him plans had changed and he was to stay out of Reagans photo op and to walk to the left as you leave the building.
When the shooting did not go as planned those involved had to figure out a way of getting control of the Whitehouse and the Nuclear codes along with the key card Reagan had on him which was taken by people involved and given to the FBI.
The FBI had spoke with Bill Gates father finding out Reagan had sexually abused Randal prior to becoming president during Reagans house party in California and that he used the Whitehouse for afterhours parties where Reagan, Brady and others would use teenagers for sex.
The FBI was in contact with George Bush Sr. whose plan changed when the assassination failed.
They found out where Reagan kept the code card from Bush.
The FBI agreed to hold the nuclear football and code card taken from Reagans boot at the hospital until Reagan handed control over to Bush Sr.
In the after math they decided to pin everything on Haig who was forced to resign but suffered no punishment being Bush had control in the Whitehouse.
The assassination attempt took place on the sidewalk in front of the Washington Hilton hotel.
Many of those in the entourage knew what was going to happen.
When leaving the White House and boarding Marine One Reagan noticed Randal was not Jose Muratti his regular aide as they entered Marine One.
They told Reagan Jose was sick or on vacation and Randal was taking his place for the day.
While on Marine One, Reagan realized who Randal was and commented on his haircut.
It was Jerry Par who explained they were just using him for the day because Jose called in sick at the last minute and it wasn’t a high risk trip so they had Randal take his place.
Reagan probably didn’t think much of it because he and others were using teenagers at their late night sex parties so using Randal for this short trip to the Hilton was no big deal.
Bill Gates father spoke with the FBI on the phone after the shooting occurred, telling the FBI about how Reagan sexually abused Randal and how they had sex parties at the Whitehouse.
To keep everything from the public Reagan agreed to give control to Bush who then made the decisions at the Whitehouse. Reagan from that point on was just a mouth piece.
After the shooting, Randal was interrogated by two men named Ron and Doug.
They asked who all was involved.
Randal explained he recalled Bush Sr., Weinberger and Casey.
Randal was then water boarded after naming Bush and the others.
They wanted Randal to only name Haig as being involved and kept telling him Haig was the only one involved.
Randal kept naming Bush Sr. and William Casey along with Weinberger.
The water boarding wasn’t working so they decided to try making him appear mentally impaired so his testimony would be unreliable.
They would do this by drowning him and leaving him dead a few minutes hoping it would kill off brain cells causing enough brain damage his testimony would not be considered reliable.
Randal recalls being drowned in a stainless steel sink then looking up and seeing Doug pushing on his chest to revive him as he started to breathe again.
The first drowning didn’t do enough damage so they drowned him a second time leaving him dead for 3 minutes this time only to have Randal still recall who was involved after being revived the second time.
Ron wanted to drown him again but Doug said he was worried they would not be able to revive him the third time after having trouble reviving him that second time.
When Randal was brought in to testify they had drugged him up and he was unable to give reliable testimony.
Tom Brokaw did a news report years later about the Carter and Reagan/Bush admin’s using a call boy ring which you can find on YouTube if you question the authenticity of Randal’s story about being used as a mind controlled sex slave as well as a MKUltra.
The truth is this was not a call boy ring but a secret society that used both young boys and girls for sex while using mind control drugs on those who were not willing.
They sealed the trials and claimed it was done for reasons of national security which they did in other trials Randal was involved in.
All of these trials involved very high profile celebrities or Billionaires throughout his life.
In a 2004 trial they found out about the drug Adrenochrome they used on Randal.
Randal remembers Jon Voight had told Reagan that Randal would not remember anything because he was on the drug Adrenochrome.
Reagan was pleased to hear this and sexually abused Randal the first time.
This was during Reagan’s poll results party at his home in California before he became President.
Randal had been a victim of the CIA Mind Control program since around the age of 10 or 11 from what he has recalled so far.
Randal was used as an assassin by those in the US Government secret society and those in Hollywood.
He was also used as a sex slave and drug mule to those in high society.
He has spent his entire life being drugged and framed for crimes to keep him quiet and extort money owed to him by many in high society.
Those who currently control the US Government are the same ones who are part of the secret society who drugged, tortured, and turned Randal into an MKUltra Assassin/Sex Slave.
If they were not they would answer his requests sent to the DOJ, FBI and other agencies who it appears are all part of this organized crime syndicate posing as The United States Government being none have responded.
A forensic photo match was done of the person on the ground holding the NF and Randal.
That photo was used in the court trial.
All points on Randal’s face matched 100% proving it was Randal.
That combined with the back seat video and testimony from the real Jose Muratti’s sister proved without a doubt it was Randal.
One of the videos from the shooting was edited to place an actors face over Randals as he rose from the ground with the NF.
This was discovered to be a computer generated graphics mask added to cover up the truth of them using a 16 year old MKUltra.
Here is the pdf file used in my court trial of Penguin Pineal glands claiming they extracted the Adrenochrome From penguins.
It is actually a cover-up document to cover up them using Human Adrenochrome claiming they used Penguin Adrenochrome on MKUltra victims.
The Making of a Mind Controlled Assassin
MKUltra Programming Via Extreme Torture & Sexual Stimulation Done By Bush, Sr., Carter and Bill Day@13
MKUltra programming Via Extreme Torture and Sexual Stimulation: This is part of the actual Programming done to Randal Turner as a teenager.
This occurred in the late 70s Jimmy Carter was president at the time.
George Bush Sr. was CIA director or running for office at the time. They came into the bedroom of the house I was staying in with Marcheline Bertrand. I had went on a white house tour about a week prior and had to defend myself from Bush Jr. for telling him to get away from some kids in our tour group that he was perving out on.
Jr had grabbed two of them and rubbed their heads against his crotch.
I told him to get away from the kids and he said Randy I like you boy as he walked walking over and placed his arm around my shoulder then he sucker punched me in the gut.
I bent down from the punch to my gut then stood up hitting him with an upper cut to the chin knocking him down.
A kid named Paul Bonacci was with Jr.
Our tour was passing through the kitchen at the time where George Jr. and Paul were getting something to eat.
Bush Jr. stood up after I punched him and said oh! Randy’s a fighter! Then he came at me and I rabbit punched him about 5
times in the face before he could throw a punch and he went down.
I grabbed the kids and told Jr to stay down or he would end up in the hospital. He stayed down till I left with the kids and we caught up to the others in our tour group. Jon Voight was part of the group ahead of me and found out what happened. He was afraid Bush Sr. who was CIA at the time would be mad at him. He invited me to the billiards room and as I opened the door I was hit in the face with a beer mug cracking one of my teeth. I got up and started going towards Jr but Voight stopped me and said it was over you got Jr. and now Jr. got you back so it ends here! Voight set the whole thing up so the little punk could get a cheap revenge shot in. which ended up cracking my front tooth at the root leaving me with a dead tooth.
Randal Turner explaining the torture and how they create one or more of his mind control alternates.
Not to be confused with Multiple personality or Dissociative Identity Disorder. Though they use techniques that have been found to be the cause of DID it is not the same.
A MKUltra must be activated via drugs and Alternates called out by a handler whereas a DID or MPD will have a multiple come out due to something traumatic occurring:
(Randal is talking about being held down and tortured by Bill Day, Photojournalist, ex-President Herbert Walker Bush and ex-President Jimmy Carter) Randal replied that all these people were a bunch of sadistic psychopathic perverts.
Randy Turner’s Account of Sexual Abuse by Bill Day, Jimmy Carter and Herbert the Pervert Walker Bush when he was around the age of 13-14.
Maybe a week After I had beat Bush Jr. up during our white house tour I am laying in bed and wake up to Bill Day walking into the room.
He sat on the bed to my left and grabbed my left arm then G.H.W Bush walks in and then {Jimmy} Carter walks in and I was thinking wtf is the president doing in my bedroom?
Carter gets on the bed and grabs my right arm and I believe they shoved these long cardboard tubes on my arms which were to make sure I wasn’t able to fight back.
Bush says I heard what u did to my boy you son of a bitch! Bush reaches down and grabs my testicles and starts crushing them.
I was begging them to kill me the pain was so bad and I must have passed out from the pain.
Bill Day was saying things into my left ear as Bush was torturing me, something about not trusting cops or authority and at some point I passed out.
I recall coming to looking down and seeing poppy sucking on my penis.
Carter was saying something into my right ear as Bush was trying to stimulate me sexually; he was saying something about sex with boys, girls, young or old is all good like he was trying to convince me nothing was wrong with sex with young kids with older women and men. I don’t recall what all they programmed just the beginning of it and the rest is a blur.
This continued for what seemed like an hour or more but during one of my court trials Bush claimed I popped within 15 minutes.
When being tortured to this extreme 15 minutes can feel like and hour.
The (popping) is what happens when the brain is unable to deal with the pain it makes a physical change and when this occurs you feel and hear a popping sound in your head.
I am no expert on how it works but I do recall some medical professional explaining it during my court trial saying the brain can physically alter itself to stop pain receptors in some people.
This popping noise is that the victims hear and feel in their head.
It is at this point the Alternates are created.
These Alternates are given names and have completely different personalities from the person being programmed.
The drug they use (Adrenochrome) allows the programmer to feed information into the subconscious and when the drug wares off the victim will have no memory of what took place or a very vague memory of something but usually will relate it to a dream or nightmare they had and not reality.
Comment: Mind Control is essentially a Rothschild Zionist project and done on military bases in conjunction with the CIA primarily. The Rothschild’s consider theirselves ‘Jews’ but are the Synagogue of Satan and mind control is a Satanic project.
Fritz Springmeier has heavily researched Mind Control and his pdf books are readily available for free on the internet.
Insider Comments on Nelson Rockefeller Assassination by 13 Year Old MKUltra Programmed by H.W. Bush & Others
Randy Turner
19 hrs ·
David Rockefeller had his brother Nelson assassinated via poisoning by a 13 year old MKUltra which G.H.W Bush programmed to poison him. Nelson was going to run for president and David didn’t want Nelson in because he couldn’t control him. After Bush had Nelson assassinated David went back on his promise to make George president and instead chose Reagan as President and George VP. This led to George using the 13 year old MKUltra to frame David as taking part in drugging and t…See More
Tags: ILLUMINATI CRIMINALSMind ControlMKUltraPedophilia NonprosecutionPolitical Corruption/ManipulationPOLITICIANSRape/TortureTortureViolent criminals (crimes)