Category: Formerly

The Economic Powerhouse of Africa, Nigeria, Joins BRICS, Breaking Free of Colonialism       The Yellow Crown means The British Commonwealth The Orange Bomb Means Current War Flashpoints. The Dark Red Soldier means NATO. The Syringe means part of DOPE, INC.

We Need To Work With China on Building Our Infrastructure Not Declare War

Trump in a way is an idiot controlled by the Black Nobility and is a Deep State person from the Get Go.  The Banksters of the Federal Reserve and the British Empire never let...

America Has Stopped Paying Its’ Bills; WHY the United States MUST JOIN The BRICS-LaRouche

WHY THE UNITED STATES MUST JOIN THE BRICS A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER FOR MANKIND a LaRouchePAC digital report Overview Updates Add your name to the list of prominent signers who are calling for the...

CIA/Military Intelligence Sexually Abuse CHILDREN in Their Mind Control Projects From HELL

Children proved far more susceptible to mind control as future assets and military intelligence tools. By the late 1960s, the creation of children as military intelligence mind control moles, sleepers and assassins were relatively...

Stopping the Globalist (Rockefeller/Rothschild/British) Agenda! & US Needs to Join the BRICS!

WHY THE UNITED STATES MUST JOIN THE BRICS A NEW INTERNATIONAL ORDER FOR MANKIND a LaRouchePAC digital report Overview Updates Add your name to the list of prominent signers who are calling for the...