While Americans CHEER ON THEIR Military All the “Wars” (Invasions of Sovereign Nations) Are Fought For the SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN


The Synagogue of Satan uses the CIA, Mossad, MI6 and other intelligence agencies to Compromise Wealthy Elite having Sex with Kids as well as Politicians who are some of the Most degenerate sick fucks on earth so they can then Blackmail these people thereby Controlling them.  All Presidents had a past of Sex Abusing Children as young as 5 and All are Satanic Pedophiles who thru the CIA pedophile rings are promoted and funded by the ZIONIST Mafia.  President Trump shows his Secret Society Allegiances with Hand Signals.  He is from the Deep State having as a Mentor Roy Cohn Gay Pedophile lawyer who ran the little boy Sex Slaves for the Rockefellers (part of the British Empire along with Windsors and Rothschilds). to compromise and control politicians.  The Synagogue of Satan crowd FUNDED the Monarch Sex Slave kiddie program as well as the Manufactured Killer (MKULTRA) assassin projects.



Left are symbols of the many Secret Societies all controlled by the Satanic Elite.  Middle and Right Pictures are SLAVES being Tortured and Trained by Satanic Torturers who actually ENJOY Being Sadistic.




Shows who really runs the world


The only way I can describe the Talmud is as a Satanic Bible where raping and torturing children is legal.  California has basically made child sex slavery LEGAL.  (2 days in jail which is no punishment at all!)  Murdoch and Rothschilds were business partners stealing Syrian oil using the U.S. military to enable their theft.  The goal is ZIONIST crime syndicate Domination of the world.




All of Europe is dominated by the ZIONISTS who run the European Union and they are UNELECTED.   All politicians are funded by the ZIONISTS as is Hollywood.Politicians are like puppets on strings only accountable to the ZIONISTS who own them!


ZIONIST TV in Israel Mocking Jesus on a cross.

  • ZIONISTS COMMITTED MANY WAR CRIMES AGAINST JAPAN Accompanied by their RACIST MEDIA TO MAKE AMERICA HATE AGAIN.  When they finally bullied Japan into dropping the bombs on Pearl Harbor by Sanctioning Japan over and over and over again virtually shutting down Japan’s economy they lied in their ZIONIST newspapers about a Sneak Attack when Stimson and Roosevelt had been plotting for years on how to maneuver Japan into WW2.  They refused any and all peace overtures from a desperate to avoid war Japan.  After the war Japan had a Rothschild Central Bank causing Inflation (Invisible tax) milking the Japanese people of their labor and money.  Japanese are now slaves to the Rothschild system and no longer want to have children or families because the Rothschilds use them as slave labor in a country that is at the top of the world for being the MOST expensive to live in.  They are in the process of doing the same to the United States People.
  • America LOVES the Synagogue of Satan hating and fearing everyone else.  The Synagogue of Satan is behind:
  • WARS
  • Abortion Clinics
  • Planned Parenthood
  • the Transgender Agenda making humans into the Transgender image of Satan
  • Mind Control
  • Sex Slavery of Children
  • Drug Trade  Legal AND Illegal
  • Body Parts Businesses
  • Prostitution
  • Snuff Porn
  • Murder For Hire-Rothschild’s PERMINDEX runs a murder for hire assassination squad as do the CIA and the other MI6, Pentagon, Department of Defense, Etc.  ESPECIALLY ISRAELI MOSSAD.
  • Bomb Explosions
  • Open Borders
  • DA’s who Let Violent Criminals on the Street and Jail Honest People on Trumped Up Charges
  • MKULTRA mind controlled Assassins and they perfected this in 1953 or 1954
  • INFLATION via their MONEY PRINTING backed by NUTHIN.
  • Covid Plandemic Lockdown largely funded by Bill Gates, Satanist and the British Empire
  • Bioweapons to kill
  • Depleted Uranium to Russia and Technology to China
  • Bestiality promotion
  • Media (and Media Lies)
  • Publishing Houses only promoting their Cabal Members
  • Compromised Judges and fucked up Legal System
  • Control of the Military Not For Peace but to Invade Peaceful Countries to Loot and Asset Strip them and leave the people to starve and die.
  • UN is a Rockefeller creation (Synagogue of Satan)
  • World Health Organization is a Synagogue of Satan organization largely controlled with Bill Gates (Satanist) money
  • Satanic Art like Marina Abramovic—artist to the Stars like Lady Gaga (Satanic) and JayZ (Do What Thou Wilt Satanist)
  • Celebrities are funded by the Satanist Cabal aka British Empire so they have to be members of the Cabal and do as they are ordered
  • So Are Rock Stars OWNED
  • all Media Heads are OWNED
  • All Editors of major newspapers are owned
  • the vast majority of Radio Stations Are Owned by these Satanists
  • the World Economic Forum is just part of the Satanic British Empire
  • Technocrats were brought into the Satanic system early on and Bill Gates father as well as Elon Musk are all part of the Satanic Cabal.
  • Congress is OWNED by these Satanists.
  • All Slaves are owned by these Satanists who often kill them or have them killed in missions they cannot survive.
  • Big Pharma is totally owned by these Satanists-Rothschilds & Rockefellers
  • All ABC Agencies of the U.S. Gov’t is controlled by the Satanists.
  • The military Generals are Gay with Beard Wives, all belong to Secret Societies and ALL are completely under control of these Satanists.  When O’Bama fired 200 of them he got rid of the Patriotic ones to be replaced by ZIONISTS & Communist Military Mis-Leaders.
  • The BANKSTERS at the top are all Satanist Cabal Members.
  • Most of the Independent media is controlled alternative Media.  Sooner or later they will show their true colors being loyal to Satanic Crime Mob Country Israel or by Promoting War Against Russia the #1 Most Christian Country in Existence
  • WW3 for the Satanists as they want a Mass Killing of American Christians, Russian Christians and European Christians.
  • The contaminated Food Industry is owned by these Satanists as they love feeding us their sweet POISONS

The Secret Covenant was written by the Satanic Elite.

Kevin Annett exposes the Satanic child sacrifice of the Windsors, Soros, Ninth Circle members and Royals in the Dutch-Netherlands….Satanic “elite” criminals.


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