What Are the Crazy Elite Capable of? Here’s a Short List. Please Like & Share.

Michael Zinis

What else are “ they “ capable of ?
Here’s a short list :
Oklahoma City Bombing of
The Edwin R Murrow bldg
Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance
Sanctions on Iraq that cost over 500,000 Children’s lives in the early 90’s
Millions of civilians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan
Coup’s of many governments worldwide that turned countries upside down where crime , murder and rape became the norm because there was no stable government and the pro American governments were installed as a means to steal and rape its natural resources including child trafficking run by the US Military
Spraying synthetic nano selfreplicating chemicals on world populations in the name climate modification . But the actual purpose is so sinister it makes all the rest of the list pale in comparison
Feed us Fluoride in our water … a neuro toxin that the Nazi’s used to dumb down and control prisoners of war , that also also causes osteoporosis , intelligence decline , cancer , pineal calcification and contributes to many other diseases including dementia and Alzheimer’s … which binds to the Glyphosate and other synthetic pesticides , herbicides , fungicides that “ they “ put in our food to create even more chemical combinations worse than the original toxic soup
Inject these same chemicals into expecting mothers and newborn children at their most vulnerable point in life , killing many , and making many more autistic or so harmed that the parents believe the only way to help their sick baby is to give it more of the toxic soup prescribed by these monsters that readily hand out death and suffering sentences
Now this Covid scam to get as many as possible to take the synthetic bio-weapon (cure) where over 17 million have already died . The demonizing of natural treatments , the pushed Ventilators that killed , the pushed Remdesivere that killed 58% of the people who took it . The senior citizens who died of isolation and loneliness , the children and grandchildren who were not allowed to spend time with their senior family members . The children who lost time with friends and loved ones at school . The children who lost fundamental learning from having to wear a mask and live in fear of a sickness that has still to this day never been proven to exist .
This is just the short list .
There is so much more .
Suppression of free energy
They lied and hid our true history , our true divinity .
There is so so so much more !

“They” are aka Jewish Mafia or British (Yiddish) Empire, Rothschild Crime Cabal, Anglo-Dutch Empire or whatever you want to call them-Satanists, Illuminati, Oligarchy, Filthy Rich Elite, Frankists, Nazi’s (They OWN the Nazi’s and Rothschild’s created Communism, Statism, Fascism, and pretty much every form of gov’t out there.) or ZIONISTS or Khazars……..Jewish Crime Syndicate.  CIA work for these “elite.”


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career he was in charge of themilitary’s entire strategic



0:11 / 19:39













🔴US Army General Albert Stubblebine. The official story of the 9/11 attack on the twin towers is false. 👇R I P General Bert.
US Army General Albert Stubblebine. (Wikipedia).


If you’re good at sucking Jewish schlong you will do very well in Hollywood:


Actress Sharon Stone posted a video on her Instagram talking about a video she saw on social media showing a person assaulting an orthodox Jew for no reason at all.
More on Sharon Stone sucking up to the Jews:

Sharon Stone says that “she feels so neurotic that she knows what it must feel like to be Jewish“. Sorry, Sharon, but we’re gonna have to call shenanigans on this one. (Is there a Yiddish word for shenanigans? It seems like there must be one.) · You might support Israel and various Jewish …

www.jpost.com > j-spot > article-716246

Actress Sharon Stone, who is not Jewish herself, has also spoken out on social media against antisemitism in the past.



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