Monthly Archive: October 2020

The Great Banking Collapse is Around the Corner-Derivatives Not Even on Their Balance Sheets Will Be Due Causing Insolvency-Another Enron Collapse Coming But With Banks Comment: The Banksters of the Federal Reserve Are ALL at the Top of this list! They are GAMBLING in Derivatives and Want unlimited Printing of the Dollar to cover their Derivatives/Gambling debts. So...

How & Why the ZIONIST Media is Not Your Friend & EU Media IS ZIONIST Like the U.S. Media

“Your Fault!” Why Western Women Get Raped by Muslims 06/25/2016 by Raymond Ibrahim 25 Comments PJ Media Are Western women responsible for provoking Muslim men into raping them?  Some Europeans certainly seem to think so. Recently, after...

Hunter Biden & Finger Lakes Child Trafficking (& Disappearances)

Hunter Biden & the Finger Lakes Region – Seneca Lake  fanofootball3 days ago   McATV: Finger Lakes System – A submarine base is located at Senaca Lake and there is a tunnel system there as well.  The Political...

CIA Targets Whistle-Blower to Protect ZIONIST Drug Trade; CIA Admits FBI is Partner in Crimes-Corruption Reigns Supreme As Honest Prosecutors Fired (US Becomes Same As Ukraine With Burisma-Biden Corruption)

How a C.I.A. Coverup Targeted a Whistle-blower When a Justice Department lawyer exposed the agency’s secret role in drug cases, leadership in the intelligence community retaliated. By Ronan FarrowOctober 30, 2020 Mark McConnell, a prosecutor,...

Fauci’s Revolutionary Ties to Communists/Globalists For After All The Rothschild ZIONISTS Created Communism! Communism is Slavery Which is the Ultimate ZIONIST AGENDA.

Fauci’s Treacherous Ties to China and Globalists Analysis by Dr. Joseph MercolaFact Checked October 30, 2020 PreviousNextStudies Prove This Root Helps You Sleep and Manage StressLeast Favored Veggies Are Top for Your Heart STORY AT-A-GLANCE...

CIA-Zionist Crime Syndicate Representative Hillary Clinton’s Crimes (or A Brochure On How CIA Politicians Spread Political Corruption Around the World Including KILLING Christians)

List of countries destroyed by Hillary Clinton October 2, 2016 Share Tweet Share Email Print In an email sent to his business partner and Democratic fundraiser Jeffrey Leeds, former Secretary of State Colin Powell...

Activism and Health News

Will COVID Vaccines Increase Risk of AIDS Virus?New cause for concern underlines the importance of full transparency on COVID vaccine data, which we are not getting.ACTION ALERT! Natural Remedies Censored While FDA Approves High-Cost,...