Brutal Proof Blog

When the Levee (Dams) Break…..Off the Charts Criminals for Politicians

Smacks of Weather Warfare! @ShooftyBeans 21 hours ago You answered your own question in your all your statements. The whole area is prime with much needed pure quartz and Lithium to now escalate...

Kamala Harris, Trump & Biden All Threaten War Against Iran After Murdering Iran’s Biggest HERO in Unprovoked Attack

Biden Threatens to do War Against Iran if Trump Assassinated More Lies From HOmalas, Political Prostitute Kamala Attacked for Saying Iran is America’s Greatest Adversary Trump Talks About Bombing Iranian Cities to Smithereens!

America’s Foreign Policy Comes Home; Installed Assholes VIA CIA Coups by CIA Criminals

Joe Biden Accidentally Reveals Plans for “Jailing Trump” After Election  

Globalists Decimate Human Infrastructure to FORCE People Into Controlled Cities FEMA Camps

Sick Psychos Run the United States & Israel   Health Ranger Report 46005 followers Follow Tip 30 Share Add to… 9185 views • 16 hours ago – Genetic studies on Ashkenazi Jews reveal mental disorders – Generations of inbreeding have produced...

Sick Psychos Run the United States, Israel & Britain.