Category: Welcome to the USA

Interview With Todd Callender

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more YOUR ENEMY IS *NOT* RUSSIAN — TODD CALLENDER SEAN DEC 18 READ IN APP The UN-World Economic Forum puppet banned Edison bulbs so all you can get now is...

Water Warfare and the Plandemic Lockdown: Antidote Interview

THE ANTIDOTE is Here: After a year of closely observing Dr. Ardis and his efforts to share the antidote for C19, TLS requests an immediate release of this explosive interview, revealing new insights on...

Taylor Swift Promotes Tavistock/CIA Agendas for the British Empire! Our Celebs Are Chosen and promoted.  They come from Cabal Families of Super Wealthy.  They are all compromised and filmed in something career destroying and do as they are told.  Yup Taylor Swift...

Synagogue of Satan Member Netanyahu Supported By Biden & Congress is the Terrorist? — Jimmy Dore (@jimmy_dore) April 14, 2024 The Synagogue of Satan Operates a Covert Mind Controlled SLAVE Program called Monarch & MKULTRA for Sex Slaves & Assassins. LOLFIELDANDLOVE Order here...


View in browser PANIC IN THE CITY OF LONDON — HARLEY SCHLANGER SEAN SEP 1 READ IN APP Harley Schlanger returns to SGT Report to discuss the panic in the Rothschild’s City of London...

Are Serial Killers Programmed to Kill? Read On & Think For Your Own Self & Turn Off the TV! Serial killers Despite the conventional profile of serial killers as lone nuts driven solely by their own internal demons, there is a compelling case to be made that many of the most prominent...

How Fascism Started…..Fascinate the Fools & Muzzle the Intelligent!

Same thing going on in America today and being Americans are mostly Really Dumbed Down it’s been easy for CIA/Tavistock to do.  Think Woke.  Super Stupid and Insane…All Tavistock is WOKE!  The Rockefellers, Rothschilds...

Committe on Oversight & Accountability MUST Investigate CIA For Creating School Shooters in Their Project Orion; Take Action! Comment:  Here is the link to call, write, or email your Representative in the U.S. Gov’t on the School Shootings/ Mass Murderers created by the CIA’s Orion Project first exposed by Bill Cooper,...

The Reason This Fraud Was Installed by the CIA -Working For the Black Nobility

Biden Vows to Protect Israel From Iran Comment:  Just another Chester the Molestor OWNED by the Cabal or Black Nobility.  CIA Provides the Children for this creep to molest and the Children are Dissociated...