The Grifters
grifters. A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. If there’s one type of person you don’t want to trust, it’s a grifter: someone who cheats others out...
grifters. A grifter is a con artist: someone who swindles people out of money through fraud. If there’s one type of person you don’t want to trust, it’s a grifter: someone who cheats others out...
Jew Rothschild Family Member Reportedly Dies in Los Angeles House Fire Joshua Yoon @ItsJoshuaYoon · Nov 28 This has every indication of being a set up to fake his death. By burning his house...
Israel Issues 1,000+ Arrest Warrants for Ultra-Orthodox Draft Dodgers
Trump Talks About Butler Assassination Attempt as Being an “Act” Being Trump is a Deep State Insider and Always Has Been This does not Surprise Me in the Least.
Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more TransHuman – The Real COVID19 Agenda Vol 1 and TransHuman – Overcoming The Depopulation Agenda Vol 2 Available Now! Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Oct 21 READ IN APP...
TheWarAgainstYou Your Hourly updates FEMA Prepares For Mass Arrest of Dissidents. Secret Documents Expose Nefarious Intent 11-13-2024 FEMA Prepares For Mass Arrest of Dissidents. Secret Documents Expose Nefarious Intent 11-13-2024 TheWarAgainstYou 51.4K followers 9...
When your presidents are child molesters, and they are, your children will not be safe. Submitted review for Thea M. Gilbert Comment: My question is who is she working for? The Chester the Molestor...
Comment: Sounds like Satanists Pretending to be Christians running this Child Sex Trafficking cuz that is what they do!