Category: Child Abuse

The Disinformation Campaign Against Noreen Gosch (All Pedophiles)

Comment:  No doubt here Johnny Gosch was used by the CIA/Military Intelligence to Compromise our Pedophile Politicians.  This is how the British Control the United States.  The CIA was created by British Intelligence.  Delta’s...

The Truth is Stranger Than Fiction-King Charles is a Ninth Satanic Circle Member Along With All the Popes

ANONYMOUS for the voiceless Rhonda VanCamp  · 1d  ·  Miller Tyme 1d  ·  Eyewitnesses Accuse King Charles of Murder in Twisted ‘Human Hunting Party’ Explosive allegations have surfaced, accusing King Charles of horrifying crimes during a grotesque ‘human...

Real Investigative Journalism From a Citizen Journalist On Child Kidnappings & Organized Pedophile Rings Working With Colonel Aquino-MilitaryIntelligence/CIA

Why Pam Bondi IS Doing Nuthin’ And Will DO NOTHIN’ (Epstein Files Implicate Israel.) Comment:  Just look at Pam Bondi’s net worth.  That says it all.  No one is worth $10’s of millions unless they play ball with the Mafia and that includes covering up pertinent facts...

Les Wexner and Jeffrey Epstein; Toxic Twins & The Cover-Up For Israel D.A. Pam Bondi The Cover Upper Pam Bondi:  Paid big bags of money to cover-up for Israel.


A Breaking Global News Release: Monday, March 10, 2025 An accused child killer could be the next pope; Dutch Cardinal linked to the Ninth Circle cult and the murder of infants Cardinal Willem...

CIA Child Trafficking , Organ Trafficking & Corrupt Zelensky’s Ukraine

It is time to round up all of the ECONOMIC HIT MEN who have disgraced our nation. I have combined three pages begun in 2020 to make this one: the picture presented is one...

Why is Epstein’s Airplane Cover Up For National Security Reasons??????? Watch now Jeffrey Epstein: The Rest of The Story – Whistleblower Wednesday | The Rob Maness Show EP 492 Rob Maness Mar 13 READ IN APP Years after his suspicious death while in...

Lt. Colonel Michael Aquino Involved With CIA, Military Intelligence & the Temple of Set Abusing Children at Presidio Mind Shattering Children

to use these children as Sex Slaves, Spies, Human Sacrifices and Drug Couriers. Michael Aquino Tortured kids using a knife, raped them, terrorized them until he shattered their minds.  Herbert the Pervert (Poppy) Bush...

Epstein Files Contain Prolific Pedophile Records on Bill Gates Being Wiped Clean Comment:  I have actually been told by a young girl about 19-22 that Bill Gates did “Horrible things” to children.  She had fled Washington state to escape Bill Gates & Friends.  She was...