Knights of Malta-A Totally Satanic Organization
Read the fine print. They want your guns and a total slave system under their New World Order World Communist Government where you have no property rights.
Knights of Malta
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta is a closed fraternity of Roman Catholics, the majority of which are direct descendants of the highest Black Nobility of the aristocratic luciferian or satanic bloodlines, often serving in the military. Many have extensive ancestral records connecting them to aristocratic coats of arms going back multiple hundreds of years and are further linked to ancient Carthage, Luciferian Knights Templar factions and more recently, German linked Nazism. It is well known that some of the death camp scientists and high-ranking Nazis were issued false identities with Sovereign Knight of Malta passports that allowed them to escape from prosecution of war crimes. The Order of Malta is a non-territorial state, whose headquarters are in the city of Rome and has the status of extraterritoriality, as if it were an embassy, which gives its members diplomatic immunity.
The Order of Malta is an internationally recognized sovereign state similar to the Vatican that uses the inverted outer façade of being a charitable humanitarian organization, when its primary function is to maintain controller-based power for the NAA at all costs. It operates as another secret society brotherhood for the protection of the NAA controller’s interests run through the unholy global alliance, as well as their prominent members of aristocracy, politicians, finance bankers, business leaders and military intelligence agencies, such as those embedded in the CIA and MI6.
The holographic geography of the Cygnus constellation star map is overlaid on top of the United Kingdom landmass, and the NAA utilized this inversion of the Templar Cross with Cygnus for the purpose of inverting 11:11 gateways in the United Kingdom, which included the beast machine’s 11D Daath system of Typhon Tunnels. The inversion of the Templar Cross and the Maltese Cross was an active anti-Christ curse made against the authentic Essene Christos Templars, by putting the 11D code technology into the hands of Luciferian Templars, with many of these lineages performing child sacrifice satanic rituals in the Controller pyramid. The comprehension of the esoteric power that comes with controlling the planetary templar in order to control timelines, by wielding the power of the Templar Cross that opens into 11D Typhon Tunnels and links into Thuban star, is the real meaning behind the symbol of the Maltese Cross. This planetary power source in the Albion given to the controllers by the NAA’s beast machine architecture is why the controllers and their secret societies regularly flaunt the Templar or Maltese Cross as a powerful status symbol upon their royal regalia or uniforms.
Queen Elizabeth II was appointed as the Sovereign Head, which is said to be ordained to give unwavering obedience to carry out the direction of world affairs as relayed by the Black Pope.