Neurolinguistic formulae, or NLF, and neurolinguistic programming, or NLP, interrelate through the nexus of ourselves, our experience, and our surroundings, as the global intelligence community seeks to control, promote, and discourage particular expressions in our language.
You can see it all around you.
They use computers to suggest phrases while we write.
They use computers to suggest phrases while we speak.
And they use computers to put phrases in front of us.
They call it the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
This describes itself in phrases like “build back better” as it works to achieve the “new normal” through the “great reset.”
At the same time it involves “globalism,” it also involves “patriotism,” so they offer false choices.
These are arranged through the ones and zeroes, the ons and offs, in their giant supercomputers, which are programmed with lies.
In the computers, as in the military, garbage goes in, as garbage goes out, in a principle called GIGO, while they tell each other lies.
The whole thing is driven by central banking, government contracting, and weaponized idiots (who hurt each other while they actually think they are winning).
Computers are not better, or normal, or great—and they’re not even designed to work!
But the global intelligence community thinks it can change reality through its lies.
They’re going for mind control, and they’re trying, in part, to use control of our language to get there, while people are triggered, or influenced, by particular words.
Like all their plots, their approach is deeply flawed, and it fails, since incorrect assumptions underlie their pathetic tactics.
Language is not reality, language is not thought, and language is not feeling.
This is shown on a daily basis by people saying things they didn’t mean since the meaning came first, and existed independently, while the words were divorced from reality.
But why do they think the lies would work—aside from the fact that they are stupid?
As they fall for the lies of their leaders, who are also slaves, the losers in the deep state assume that others are like them.
Just as an honest person tends to assume that others are honest, and a good person assumes that others are good, the homosexual mafia assumes that others share their perversion, their cowardice, and their failures.
What works on them does not work on a normal person.
That’s why people like me are winners in the world, while scum like them are delivering their bodies to be raped, tortured, and abused at secret facilities.
Their pathetic lives follow, and feed, their pathetic nature—while a real person will always live strong in reality.
Even if they manage to destroy one of us, they know that we always had it better, beyond better, and there is nothing they can do to change the fact that they lost—except, of course, for lying.
This doesn’t work, but the nature of addiction is to do something more when it doesn’t work, and so they hurt themselves more, and more, and more, by pretending they are winning.
But let’s get back to words.
A single word will carry completely different meanings for different people—even without lying.
For example, if I say the word “car,” different listeners will think of trucks, sedans, two-seaters, luxury models, old bangers, different colors, payments, races, rides, crashes, scratches, details, and so on.
That happens when an honest speaker speaks honestly to an honest listener, and it happens because they both have different points of view, which derive from their surroundings, their experiences, and their being.
Language could never do the work that the perverted imbeciles think it could, but they insist it does, so they do it more, and they do it more, and they do it more, while it sells upgrades to their worthless computers, enriching incompetent military contractors, who are themselves losers, and victims, while the government borrows from the central bank.
Banking comes from Babylon, and so does the Tower of Babel, which serves as more than a fitting metaphor for their foolish arrogance and their attack towers (which they naturally call by a different name).
The Abrahamic Religions also come from Babylon, so it comes as no surprise that they are full of lies and perversion.
The Zoroastrians, who are openly luciferian, underly the Abrahamic Religions, while these come not only from Egypt but also from Babylon.
The Jews, who took their reformed religion from Babylon, and from Egypt, lie at the heart of the conspiracy.
The Muslims, whom they control, commit perverted crimes, offering another false choice, through a strategy of tension, while the Jews pretend to fight them.
And the Catholics, whose church is called the Whore of Babylon, while it looks to Egypt, also play a significant part in the global intelligence community.
The Jesuits serve the Vatican Bank, while they run the global intelligence community, and they molest the children of their gullible believers.
And the Catholics are controlled by the Freemasons, whom they pretend to oppose, while these, too, are involved with incest, child abuse, and ridiculous lies.
Let’s look at the use of a single word in connection with neurolinguistic programming, or NLP, neurolinguistic formulae, or NLF, and the obscene church of Rome.

The Papists incessantly use the word “father.“
They call their god father, they call their pope father, and they call their priest father—and they do it all day long.
To me, a normal person, this word is associated with my actual father, who was a good man, a strong success who made sacrifices for his children, as he showed us infinite patience, and was really fun, so we loved him dearly.
To them, a father is a low-level loser, who rapes his wife, beats his children, and wants them to be scared of him while he teaches them lies.
My father wore a suit, while he encouraged our independence and success, so that we grew beyond him.
But their father wore a sleeveless tee-shirt, called a “wife-beater,” stained with spaghetti sauce, as he worked to stunt their growth, looked for their “respect,” and taught them to fear their god, and lie to him, while he introduced them to the “father” in the church who wore a dress, a collar, and a necklace, frightening children with fairy tales about an angry invisible man, who lived in the sky, and would punish them, for being born, unless they believed in the lies of the father in their tenement apartment, the father in their church, the Holy Father in Rome, and their God the Father.
No wonder they killed my real father, while they tried to cheat my daughter out of her father, because they hate for anyone to have a family, a father, or anything good.
The child rape that both characterizes and infects their church is deeply incestuous, like their story of the rape of an alleged virgin, Holy Mother, by the Holy Spirit, who got her holes, to found their Holy Church, with Holy Father, at its head, while Holy Spirit also raped the mother of Holy Mother, Saint Anne, so Virgin Mary could serve as a pure vessel, groomed by Holy Spirit, to give a double virgin birth, all so her son could be sold by his father, for the salvation of babies (who are sinful) which required his murder, his torture, and his gang-rape by the Romans.
Incest does not only drive their religion, their church, and their families—but it also underlies the global intelligence community (which itself is a contradiction in terms).
That’s what they call the “one true religion.”
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