Sick Psychos Run the United States & Israel


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– Genetic studies on Ashkenazi Jews reveal mental disorders
– Generations of inbreeding have produced mental illness defects
– High levels of schizophrenia among “God’s chosen people”
– Netanyahu thinks God is talking to him and telling him to commit genocide
– Quotes from Jewish Rabbis calling for mass death of non-Jews
– The U.S. has provided nuclear weapons to mentally ill sociopathic inbreds
– Jewish inbreeding has also removed “mirror neurons” responsible for empathy and compassion
– High risk of nuclear war that kills billions, due to Israel’s insane genocide
– Interview with Kristen Meghan (part 1) on nuclear fallout, radiation and dirty bombs
– Today’s sermon: Daniel Ch. 7 – Is the BEAST a symbol of Zionism? God destroys Israel and ends evil with the 666 weapon

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