Targeted Individuals Are The Testing Ground For AI World Control In Sentient World Simulation Since 2007.

ONE LAST THING TO THINK ABOUT OVER THE WEEKEND, – Brain Computer Interface Technology: Brain Chip, Synthetic Telepathy, Metaverse, Shared Lives. Targeted Individuals Are The Testing Ground For AI World Control In Sentient World Simulation Since 2007.

We’ve now broken through to thinking about what the PCR Tests, JABS, the 5G technology, DEW’s, Microwaves, and other “Waves” or Tesla kind of stuff was for.

We’re now starting to put more of the puzzle pieces together, AND it’s not sounding so way out there anymore! Each day brings us new information & we begin to understand the pieces all starting to fit together on the plans for the rest of us that stay alive. That is IF, we don’t STOP THEM FIRST!

We know they have this Technology, and that there are many uses for them, not just one!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . This video explains how targeted individuals are the testing ground of what will happen to the entire human race. Amazon whistleblower describes how they have seen the software that allows operators of this WBAN remote neural network to see the world THROUGH the eyes of the targeted human and AI manipulates all brain wave and body functions. Must watch all these videos to understand the technology I have been showing in the blood and the transhumanist agenda. In the video, Ray Kurzweil explained how the nanobots in the brain interface with the digital self and shut down your own sensory input. Steve Hoffman called it an “Evil AI” manipulating human zombies, who think they are free, but they are not. . . . . . . . . .

Brain Computer Interface Technology: Brain Chip, Synthetic Telepathy, Metaverse, Shared Lives. Targeted Individuals Are The Testing Ground For AI World Control In Sentient World Simulation Since 2007

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD

Jan 12, 2024

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