Mass Murder W/O Consequences in The Great White North [Run By a Bunch of Dr. Lector’s]
Mass Murder without Consequences in the Great White North:
How then shall we Dethrone the Lie?
By Kevin D. Annett
June 1, 2019
“They’re killing us with their words”
– Canadian genocide survivor Delmar Johnny, 2008
One of my well meaning but uninformed supporters called
me up me this morning with what to her was thrilling news.
“They’ve finally admitted to genocide, Kevin! They
call it a ‘Canadian Genocide’! It’s all over the CBC!”
She was referring to yesterday’s release of the final
report of the Canadian government’s so-called “inquiry” into missing aboriginal women that spent three years and a hundred million dollars to refer obliquely to what has been well known and documented for decades.
“Oh good” I replied to the woman in my best cheeky
monkey tone. “Now they can prosecute those responsible. They have to, you know, under international law, once genocide has been established.”
My friend didn’t know what to say. Being Canadian, the thought of there being actual consequences for Official Crime was no doubt a strange concept to her. It’s an equally foreign idea to the officials who have killed off all those brown people and will never put themselves on trial: the ones who still run the government and the churches and the corporations that have spearheaded our home grown extermination of Indians.
These officials are a strange breed. They toss around
words like they did the bodies of their little brown victims when they threw them into residential school incinerators, or today, when they dump them overboard outside of Canada’s twelve mile territorial limit. And being the ones in charge, these men can fashion
anything and absolve everything with the right words: the words that are chosen to inoculate the rest of us to their depravities and to make us accomplices in them so that we, too, will have a vested interest in their Big Lie.
In his book
Heart of Darkness
wherein he describes European Genocide, Joseph Conrad wrote,
The conquest of the earth, which
mostly means the taking away of it from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than ourselves, is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much. What redeems it is the idea only, an idea at the back of it: not a sentimental pretense
but an idea, and an unselfish belief in the idea – something you can set up, and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to …”.
The first and the best sacrifice in any Group Crime
is, of course, the truth itself. Long before 60,000 children were tortured to death under the sign of a Cross and entire aboriginal families began disappearing along the northern Highway of Tears, the lie that caused it and concealed it was entrenched in the
minds and hearts of Canadians. It’s the same lie that blared out at us so obscenely today in the dutiful CBC account of the government’s latest stage managed effort to sanitize and contain the growing aboriginal body count.
Like Joseph Conrad observed, official slaughter is never a pretty thing when you look at it too much. Neither is its concealment. Anyone who looked for very long at Canada’s absurdly duplicitous ‘Truth and Reconciliation Commission’ (TRC) into Christian Indian residential schools could see a crime in the works as monumental as the mass murder of children that it did its best to avoid documenting.
Throughout its seven year-long obstruction of justice,
the TRC was prohibited by its own mandate from recording any statements or evidence of killings and genocidal acts in the “schools”. The puppet aboriginal TRC Commissioners were also required to censor the statements of eyewitnesses and were forbidden to subpoena
church officials or records. But Canada called this contrivance the definitive domestic account of what it has termed, until now, “cultural
genocide”. The use of that adjective was intentional, and misleading, for it was designed to soften the blow and acclimatize the public to what was to come next: the updating of the cover-up.
That latest stage in the self-absolution of the Canadian
Holocaust burst into the Canadian media yesterday with the story of the final report of the “Missing Aboriginal Women’s’ Inquiry”. The CBC employed its usual method of relying on ahistorical half truths and puppet Indian lackeys in order to avoid any mention
of ultimate responsibility or repercussions. But for most Canadians, this pretense was undoubtedly convincing enough: it appeared, at least, that the government was finally naming the crime as Genocide, pure and simple.
Like a killer issuing an apology to the survivors of
his crime, all the story did was to give the malefactor the final word which it so desperately needs. But in truth, the CBC account opened the door to a question that Canadian officialdom is not able or permitted to answer:
Is there not a
for self-admitted Genocide?
The answer is yes, there is, at least in theory. According
to the United Nations’ Convention on the Crime and Prevention of Genocide (1948) to which Canada is a signatory,
“The Contracting Parties confirm
that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law
they undertake to prevent and to punish.”
(my emphasis)
Even more damning, the Convention also states,
“Persons committing genocide or
any of the other acts enumerated in article III shall
be punished,
whether they are constitutionally responsible rulers, public officials or private individuals.”
The law reads,
shall be punished,
not ‘should’ or ‘may’ be.
It’s obligatory
that it be punished. Under that UN Convention
and other human rights acts, Canadian officials of church and state must now be prosecuted by other nations for their crimes of genocide.
Such action by other nations is made even more necessary
by the fact that Canada has shielded itself from accountability or prosecution within its own borders by means of the very enabling legislation that made the UN Genocide Convention applicable to Canada.
Conveniently, less than a year after our movement first
publicly revealed hard evidence of mass murder and genocidal acts in Indian residential schools – during 1998 and 1999 – the Canadian government passed what’s called the Crimes against Humanity Act. That Act prevented genocide in Canada from being prosecuted
if it occurred before the year 2000, which included the entire period of the Indian residential schools. With that kind of legal safeguard, a guilty Canadian officialdom can talk about genocide all it likes without any fear of consequences.
It never ceases to amaze me how entire nations can
sit comfortably alongside not only their own Group Crime but its blatant concealment, fervently believing that black is indeed white. As Joseph Conrad observes, we do so reverentially bow before the idea behind our blood rituals: in the case of Canadians,
the firm conviction, all evidence to the contrary, that we really are a people whose hands are clean.
But the issue remains, as I so provocatively posed to my caller this morning:
Now that genocide in Canada has
finally been officially admitted, why should the war crimes trials not commence?
You don’t have to be especially erudite to know the
general answer to that one: Because
the killers are the ones still in charge, dummy!
Fine. But what about the rest of the world? Aren’t over one hundred nations legally and politically bound by their signature on the Genocide Convention to “prevent and punish” genocide in Canada?
You may have noticed that no United Nations Observers ever inspected any Indian residential schools or hospitals where over half the children died. Nor have you seen any UN Peacekeepers poke around the Highway of Tears for missing women or disinter the mass graves of Indian children we uncovered or protect the lives of the six of our activists who were murdered on the streets of Vancouver. UN member-states have been totally adverse to naming or charging Canada with genocide, even after the flood of our evidence and official acknowledgements.
The reason for that was summed up to me by a UN delegate
when I first tried bringing the proof of the Canadian Holocaust to the United Nations in October of 2001:
“No member state will ever open that can of worms of genocide because
most of them are guilty of it, too. The tacit agreement is for no state to ever point a finger at another concerning something that could rebound on them.”
Okay, so even if that’s all true, it tells us something we’ve always
known, consciously or in our guts: that justice depends only on ourselves. There would never have been even a reference to genocide in Canada let alone the enormous pretense of “official inquiries” and “compensation” programs if our grassroots movement led
by my own initiative in 1996 had not have fought night and day to bring out the truth of the crime and shoved it in Canada’s resisting face. That’s what caused the change, not reforms or largesse from on high. So a hard-won wisdom has taught us over the years
that the question is never what others will do but what we
will do.
Last Friday, on the same day that the CBC trumpeted the latest spin out
of Ottawa, three of our ITCCS members in Vancouver deluged a gathering of United Church clergy and officials with a leaflet entitled “Public Notice of Criminal Liability and Order to Comply”.
(See attachment)
That Notice informed them that they were part of a criminally convicted organization and were illegally trespassing on Squamish indigenous land under a declaration from Chief Kiapilano lawfully filed in the B.C. Supreme Court. As such, the pack of them were
ordered to vacate their church premises and disassociate themselves from the United Church or face arrest and other sanctions under international law.
This morning, we learned from a source that the Moderator of the United
Church has called an emergency session of its General Council Executive for this Monday. To quote the source,
“The leadership are shitting themselves.”
But why would they, over that single leaflet? For the same reason
that through our common law court verdict we compelled Pope Benedict to resign from his office in February, 2013: because the church criminals know that what we are speaking is legally and morally true, and that they as a consequence, they could all lose more
than their bank accounts.
That kind of direct action is what’s called power: exercised, appropriately,
by the very least of us. And the more we practice such action at a murderous system’s point of greatest vulnerability, the more we will dislocate our blood soaked adversaries. A few of us have proven that in Canada, and again in Rome.
If the United Nations continues to ignore their own Charter and stated
principles by aiding and abetting Genocide in Canada as well as the even bigger historical criminal of the Vatican itself, then all the better: they are exposing themselves as co-conspirators in a global criminal syndicate. What better brush fire of freedom
can be lit in the minds of the people than for their official rulers to incriminate themselves so openly, as Canada has done once again through another pseudo-Inquiry that leaves the killers untouched and unaccountable?
We know what has to be done. By its status as a convicted criminal power,
Canada and its “crown” laws are nullified now and have no authority over any of us. We are obligated morally and by the law to not associate with or fund such a government but establish a new lawful jurisdiction under a common law Republic. In the same way,
we must under the law actively disestablish the genocidal churches that continue to traffic and murder children, especially the originator and source of the crime: the Church of Rome itself.
If we fail to act in this way we’ll all be left in a worse place than
any of us can imagine, for the simple reason that we are all now living on the Reservation.
All over North America, governments are imposing the same mandatory vaccinations
and police-state controls over the population that Indians have suffered for generations. The corporatized, unaccountable system of administrative law that has replaced any semblance of democracy in our society was first pioneered on Indian reservations and
in “residential school” death camps. Most of us have blithely ignored the legions of dead and still-suffering victims produced by those camps. But we can ignore them no longer, for we are becoming them.
In the words of the late Delmar Johnny, a Cowichan native elder who helped
me lead this battle on Canada’s west coast,
“Don’t be surprised or outraged when it happens to you and yours,
because it’s happening to me and mine right now.”
The water is rising. It is time to choose.
Kevin D. Annett, M.A., M.Div., is the North American Field Secretary of the International
Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS). Since 1996, he has led the campaign to expose and prosecute crimes by Church and State in Canada and around the world. He is the author of sixteen books and is the recipient of the Prague Peace Award (2016).
He has twice been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. See

Kevin Annett (left) and Mohawk friends on Parliament HillOttawa, 2006
The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.
See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at .Kevin Annett’s books can be ordered here:
Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada:
Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion: the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual
At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada’s West Coast ,
Truth Teller’s Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raisers:
Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata
Here We Stand: The Call of the New Protestant Reformation
Fallen – The Story of the Vancouver Four:
The Sacrifice – Of Family and Empire:
1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada or, The Caucasian Healing Fund :
Kevin’s award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . See also an insightful personal interview “Who is Kevin Annett?” (2013) at:
The ITCCS office in Brussels is the coordinating center for the Tribunal.
See the evidence of genocide in Canada and globally at .Kevin Annett’s books can be ordered here:
Murder by Decree – The Crime of Genocide in Canada:
Unrelenting: Between Sodom and Zion: the Reign of Natural Liberty: A Common Law Training Manual
At the Mouth of a Cannon: Conquest and Cupidity on Canada’s West Coast ,
Truth Teller’s Shield: A Manual for Whistle Blowers & Hell Raisers:
Establishing Liberty: The Case for the Republic of Kanata
Here We Stand: The Call of the New Protestant Reformation
Fallen – The Story of the Vancouver Four:
The Sacrifice – Of Family and Empire:
1497 and so on: A History of White People in Canada or, The Caucasian Healing Fund :
Kevin’s award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at . See also an insightful personal interview “Who is Kevin Annett?” (2013) at: