Category: Fascism/Nazi Amerika

Banksters USURY is the Root Cause of All Problems on the Planet

Usury: The Root Cause of all Problems on the Planet – Debt Slavery – Central Banks, Wars, Assassinations

Congressman Massie (KY) Calls for Biden’s Impeachment. Call Congress to Support This!

US Congressman Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Over His Approval of US Missile Strikes Deep into Russia November 19, 202423 Reaction in the United States to news of the first strike by American rockets ATACMS on the...

Assymetric Stealthy Warfare Coming to America (Illegal Immigrant Invasion) Funded by the Criminal psychopath George Soros and his fellow Banksters.  The CIA & State Dept. are definitely Involved.

Here We Stand With Kevin Annett

Hey people! Let’s not let this happen again:   Carry on our struggle by sharing this (for now) final broadcasted program of Here We Stand from July 14, 2024:   All previous programs...

CIA & Dept of Defense Involved in Killing Native Children in Canada

14.    R.W. Large Memorial Hospital, Waglisla: Founded by United Church missionary doctors in 1928. Still in operation. Site of widespread Eugenics experiments, forced sterilizations and mind control experiments by Dr. George Darby senior with Department of...

What Are the Crazy Elite Capable of? Here’s a Short List. Please Like & Share.

Michael Zinis What else are “ they “ capable of ? Here’s a short list : Oklahoma City Bombing of The Edwin R Murrow bldg Malaysia Flight 370 disappearance Sanctions on Iraq that cost...

The AntiChrist

The AntiChrist  May 22nd, 2018  Awake Goy  Share The AntiChrist DIO CASSIUS. Second century Roman historian. Describing the savage Jewish uprising against the Roman empire that has been acknowledged as the turning point downward in the...

Cabal Puppet Biden Must Be Fired; Charged With Treason For Representing the British Empire Against America!

Traitor Biden must be fired But there’s nobody left to do what must be done THE END OF THE REPUBLIC IS AT HAND By John Kaminski It should be crystal clear by...

U.S. & Israel Owe These People For Their Ruined Lives But the Rothschild Synagogue of Satan Will Not Acknowledge Guilt Nor Make Amends as It Is Not the Satanic Way

MIDDLE EAST He says U.S. troops abused him in Iraq’s Abu Ghraib and his life is still ruined April 11, 20235:01 AM ET By Ruth Sherlock , Awadh Altaie LISTEN· 6:596-Minute ListenPLAYLIST Download Embed Talib...

History of Banksters Crimes & Fraud

Odysee Channel Season 3 Chapter  11 : THE BANKING CARTEL & THE FUTURE OF MONEY Transcript The Banking Cartel & the Future of Money Featuring G. Edward Griffin, James Corbett, and Richard Grove Nearly...