Thought Rep. Burchett Was Anti-Corruption. Taliban Stopped Drug Trafficking. So in Being AGAINST the Taliban Is He in Favor of Drug Trafficking?

Comment:  Israel was created with the Balfour Declaration by the Rothschilds of the British Satanic Empire.  Supporting Israel is Supporting a CRIME RING.  This is what Henry Vinson said in an interview:

That’s fine. The federal government is always saying with the interstate child prostitution, the federal government was aware of this fact, because I told my government (#20:04?) about an interstate pedophile network that was providing D.C. politicians and power brokers with children, but the Department of Justice and Secret Service and FBI, they covered up that pedophile network, so I think that was the worst thing I was exposed to.”

HS 264 – Confessions of a D.C. Madam with Henry Vinson

Comment:  Child Sex Slaves Sexually Satisfy our sick Congressional Mis-Leaders.  These Child Sex Slaves are TORTURED to comply with their Slavery and the CIA and Military Intelligence are their Handlers.  After the CIA uses people like Craig Spence to Video Tape our politicians in bed with Child Sex Slaves performing then the Politicians do as the CIA DEMANDS.  The CIA is the operations Arm of the Crime Syndicate known as the Jewish Mafia aka Satanic British Empire or as I call it the Synagogue of Satan.  Many of these slaves are murdered when they reach their expiration date around 30 years of age.  They are known as Expendables.  Expendables are those who will not be missed when they are Used, Abused and Murdered.  Most come from severely dysfunctional families that have drug and alcohol addicted parents.  As long as the Political Pedophiles are USEFUL to the Crime Syndicate you will see NO PROSECUTION of them nor prosecution for being TRAITORS.  The feature picture is the typical child being used for child sex provided the child has no caring relatives and often is an orphan.  The Politicians like to victimize orphans from orphanages.

Big Thumbs Up to Burchett for trying to replace roads with Plastics!  All for this!

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