Fighting Monarch



When I called the shutdown, and identified the latest strain of coronavirus as a bioweapon developed at Fort Detrick, and released at the Wuhan Military Games, I was one of the very first people in the world to see the plot.

I described EVENT 201, at which the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in conjunction with Johns Hopkins University, ran a war-game scenario only three months before the outbreak, where they planned a globalist response to a virus they identified, before the fact, as COVID-19.

The pieces were already in place since Johns Hopkins had earlier promulgated the Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) in response to the false flag attacks that began the War on Terror.

My identification of the coronavirus as a man-made bioweapon, like my accurate prediction of forced vaccinations, and the shutdown, earned me instant targeting by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

COVID-19 was a follow-up to a plan put forward by the Rockefeller Foundation.

They called it LOCK STEP, while it connects to CLEVER TOGETHER.

Like Bill Gates, the Rockefellers are out to get you.

And so is another proponent of vaccines:  Henry Kissinger.

They use false flags.

And they control Big Pharma.

The little punks spraypaint their gangsigns in our neighborhood, as they promulgated martial law on the Winter Solstice, as they announced the National Emergency on Friday the Thirteenth, and as they declared the Great Reset on 1/1/2020.

Magic days and lucky numbers are important to the imbecilic luciferians that run the conspiracy.

The Lucis Trust openly promotes Lucifer, while it partners with the United Nations.

Click Here To Go To Their Website!


Using not only the Center for Disease Control (CDC), but the World Health Organization (WHO), they work to create the outbreaks that they pretend to fight.

The Coronavirus mutated into a nineteenth form, in an unnaturally short time, because it was engineered in a laboratory.

Here’s what’s coming next.

Catastrophic Contagion, A Global Challenge Exercise, was held on the weekend of October 22, 2022 (10/22/2022), by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Health Organization, in the globalist hub of Brussels, Belgium, as they held another pandemic tabletop exercise to plan a response to Severe Epidemic Enterovirus Respiratory Syndrome 2025 (SEERS 2025).

Click Here To Go To Their Website!


Here’s a press release from the official website.

Like their consideration of the Covid Outbreak three months before it happened, the scenario is “fictional.”


SEERS is like SPARS, the St. Paul Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus, around which the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security conducted a “fictional” scenario, three (3) years before the Great Reset, which they predicted three (3) months in advance through another “fictional scenario” at EVENT 201.

Thirty-three is a magic number to the freemasons, while Groundhog Day, a luciferian sabbat, occurs on the second day of the second month (2/2), thirty-three (33) days after the satanic holiday of the New Year (1/1).



Ivor Cummins has a good analysis, of catastrophic contagion, using pattern recognition, where he identifies the partnership of governments and corporations as fascism to support population control.


Since the time of the Nazis, the Fourth Industrial Revolution has aimed to kill us all, while Malthusians like Gates drive the thing.

So, as the morons return to the same old playbook, flashing their stupid gangsigns, it’s Groundhog Day.


You can read more in my latest book.

But, meanwhile, know….


SEERS is the new COVID.


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