Child Traffickers, Child Sacrifice, Satanic Witches…Welcome to the World of the Filthy Rich Elitests
Prince Carlo of Bourbon-Two Sicilies the Duke of Castro with Princess Camilla of Bourbon-Two Sicilies and Prince Carlo is a top owner of the New England crime family, Ndrangheta clans in Canada, Cuban Mafia, and the Cuntrera-Caruana mafia clan which operate out of Aruba and Montreal. Prince Carlo’s relative Prince Michel of Bourbon-Parma now deceased resided in Florida where the Cuban Mafia operate and he also was Jesuit educated in Montreal. The Duke of Castro also oversees the Castro family of Cuba which are Jesuit educated and they are part owners of the Cuban Mafia. The Bourbon-Two Sicilies ancestors the Farnese family officially established the Jesuits.
Tau Ruspoli with his ex wife Olivia Wilde who is a major child murderer and cannibal. Tau Ruspoli’s father Prince “Dado” Alessandro was also in the movie Godfather III. The Ruspolis have a portion of ownership over the Tijuana Cartel which have a child trafficking operation into Hollywood.

Prince Muzio Sforza-Cesarini is an owner of Stidda Mafia clans, Casamonica Mafia clan of Rome, and a part owner of the Trafficante crime family and Galveston crime family now headed up by the Fertittas. Prince Muzio also oversees Hollywood and the music industry as well as media. The Sforzas ruled in Milan which is today a major international headquarters for news media. Milan was originally called Mediolanum. Medio like Media. Muzio refers to Muse like music. The Sforzas and Viscontis which are basically the same clan are heavily involved with the music and entertainment industries in Italy and the United States.
Comment : The movie Series on John Wick describes an underground assassin working for these criminal elite.

Baron Edouard de Rothschild a French banker who owns a wine company and he is also involved with blood and adrenochrome trafficking.

Prince Louis-Alphonse the Duke of Anjou is an owner of various South American and Mexican drug cartels and he is both a French and Spanish noble. Prince Louis-Alphonse is also closely related to the Franco family with Francisco Franco the Fascist dictator of Spain who reinstalled the House of Bourbon as the monarchs of Spain. Fascism uses faggotry which is bisexual men raping other men for dominance. Prince Louis-Alphonse manages cults of faggots which often operate in prisons, gangs, sports, and military.

Josselin de Rohan-Chabot the Duke of Rohan is a top manager of Kabbalah and Chabad. The Rohans were Princes of Leon in France.

Prince Jean Christophe Napoleon Bonaparte with his wife Princess Olympia Bonaparte. Prince Jean Christophe works as a banker for buyout firms and for the Blackstone division in England. Prince Jean Christophe is a major blood and adrenochrome trafficker and he also works closely with Zionists.

Prince Giovanni Aldobrandini is an owner of the DeCavalcante crime family and he is a major architect of serial killers and gang stalking.

Prince Filippo Massimo-Lancellotti with Pamela Allvin. Prince Filippo is a top manager of the Druid Orders and he also manages DARPA and its Q Anon psyop. The Massimo-Lancellottis are also part owners of the Lanza crime family and they currently own a large castle in Campania, Italy.
David Miscavige is the head of Scientology and he is an agent of the Roman-Papal House of Colonna. The Colonnas established a Colonna-Walewski branch in Poland. David Miscavige is of Italian-Polish ancestry and he is Roman Catholic. Scientologists serve the Vatican and Colonna family and they use electronic weapons to terrorize people in society especially people who speak out against child trafficking and sadism.

Prince Alessandro Jacopo Boncompagni-Ludovisi is an owner of the Bonanno crime family and he also owns a wine company used for trafficking blood and adrenochrome.

Prince Guglielmo Giovanelli-Marconi with Princess Maria Vittoria Giovanelli-Marconi and they are part owners of the Venetian Mafia and heavily involved with child sacrifice.

Prince Oddone Colonna is a top overseer of the Oddfellow Order a Masonic organization involved with beastiality, transsexualism, pedophilia, and cannibalism. The Oddfellows are a British Masonic organization that are managed by the Barons of Strange. Strange means odd. The Barons of Strange bloodlines use the trisklion on their coat of arms. Sicily uses the trisklion on its flag.

Antonio Purini with Prince Camillo Aldobrandini. Prince Camillo is an owner of the Apulian Mafia and DeCavalcante crime family as well as a top manager of the Vatican, Jesuits, and Catholic priesthoods. His son Prince Clemente Aldobrandini is a high level member of this family. Prince Camillo’s brother the Duke of Brindisi is a primary owner of the Apulian Mafia and he resides at the Palazzo Antinori in Florence. The Aldobrandinis are heavily involved with child trafficking and pedophilia rings and they also manage the serial killer program. Prince Camillo Aldobrandini is the uncle of Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini the wife of Baron David Rene de Rothschild. The Jewish Rothschilds have a close alliance with the Roman Catholic Black Nobility.

Prince Domenico Napoleone Orsini is an owner of the Israeli Mafia, Ursino Ndrangheta mafia clan, Cleveland crime family and a top overseer of the Rosicrucian Order. The Orsinis have a rose on their coat of arms and they are top architects of Alchemy which is chemical witchcraft. The Orsinis are a major bloodline of the Black Nobility and they produced popes, dozens of cardinals and bishops and they have been major landowners with dozens of titles of lords, barons, and princes.

Princess Maria Teresa von Thurn and Taxis with Princess Gloria von Thurn and Taxis and they are high level overseers of Wicca. The Thurn and Taxis family are managers of the Mars-Badger family which are worth about 70 billion. Taxis means badger and they have a badger on their coat of arms. Princess Gloria and her daughters are some of the most sadistic and torturous witches on the planet.
A Love of SLAVE LABOR which is the quickest get rich scheme:

Alexander Flick with his brother Moritz Flick and the Flicks are billionaires that manage Nazism. The Flick family are worth at least 10 billion and during WWII they had tens of thousands of slave laborers working at their industrial company. The Flicks are also part owners of Mercedes-Benz and they are married with the Thurn and Taxis family and Italian nobles.

Frank Stronach with Belinda Stronach is a money launderer for Austrian criminals and the Lucchese crime family. Stronach owns race tracks which are often major headquarters for mobsters who infiltrate gambling operations so they can fix wins for money laundering. The Stronachs work with the Lucchese crime family, Jewish-Russian Mafia, and Corsican Mafia. Stronach owns horse racing tracks in the United States including in Maryland used as money laundering fronts by the Coriscan Mafia and Lucchese crime syndicate and they run the heroin market in the United States.

Jane Lauder is a leader of Kabbalistic witches and she is worth 4 billion. Jane Lauder is involved with child sacrifices and they appear to work with the Lucchese crime syndicate. The Lauders are a top Zionist clan that oversee the World Jewish Congress and they have a close alliance with the Esterhazys.

Count Janos Esterhazy de Galantha is the Treasurer of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta. The Esterhazys have extensive wealth and manage the Jewish-Zionist Lauder family. The Esterhazys work at private banks in Switzerland, Austria, and Eastern Europe and they are also part owners of the Russian-Jewish Mafia faction which operates in Eastern Europe and Israel. The Esterhazys finance their mafias to make snuff films which they use for recruiting and initiating people into the NWO.

Mark Zuckerberg is worth about 100 billion and he is an electronic terrorist employed by the CIA and DARPA. Zuckerberg gathers information on Americans through fraud and through his company Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg uses his Facebook company to create profiles on people used for gang stalking, and electronic harassment. Facebook is a major online headquarters for gang stalkers and cyber terrorists who communicate gang stalking tactics and operations through his heavily censored criminal website. Zuckerberg also sells information on people to foreign criminals which they use for targeting individuals. The Zuckers were an Austrian Jewish family that serve the Habsburgs.
The whole world is carved up into organized crime territories run by these top-tier Mafia families.

Anthony Crichton-Stuart is a manager of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and he also manages trolls and cults of pedophiles.

Mitt Romney is a top political authority in the United States that works as a back up for the Bushs. The Romneys are also top managers of the LDS church and financiers of the Irish Mafia and Puerto Rican Mafia in Massachusetts. The Romneys also have an alliance with the English Marsham and Wellesley families as well as the Colonna and Barberini families of Rome which oversee the Church of Latter Day Saints. The Mormons were also founded by Freemasons.

Duke Henry Somerset of Beaufort with Tracy Somerset the former Duchess of Beaufort and Duke Henry is an owner of the Dixie Mafia. The Somersets and Beaufort families originated in France before becoming ancient nobles in England. The Dixie Mafia mostly operate in what was originally French-American terroritories.
Graham Wellesley the Earl of Cowley is a British financier of gang stalking and human trafficking. Graham Wellesley co-founded Wellesley & Co. a British bank and he is the brother of the Duke of Wellington.
Joseph Kennedy III is a political authority in the United States and the Kennedys are believed to be worth at least 1 billion. The Kennedys work closely with the Irish Mafia and they are bosses and part owners of the Spillane crime family.

Arthur Guinness the Earl of Iveagh is worth about 1 billion and he is a financier of blood trafficking and he is a commander of gang stalking and terrorism.
Edward Kennedy Jr. is a top political authority in the United States and he works with the Irish Mafia and Hell Fire Club as well as criminals in the United States Air Force.
Duke Andrew Russell of Bedford and Marquis of Tavistock and he is worth about a half of billion and he oversees the Tavistock Institute and Skull and Bones because his ancestors the Russell family co-founded Yale University and Skull and Bones. The Tavistock Institute and Skull and Bones manage and develop psychological warfare used by gang stalkers.

Joe Lewis the owner of the Tavistock Group is worth about 4 billion and he is an associate of George Soros and also a financier of the British Intelligence psychological warfare program the Tavistock Institute.
Comment: George Soros is a diabolically evil SATANIST so clearly this man is too. In Fact All of these families are the Black Nobility or Satanic Illuminati.

William Russell is the Lord Mayor of the City of London Corporation which oversees most major industries in international business. The City of London issues royal charters which includes hundreds of influential banks and businesses. The Knights Templar were headquartered at the City of London which is why it uses the Red Cross of Saint George which was also used by the Templars. The City of London is a one mile square block inside of London and it designed with an inner and outer temple. The City of London Corporation was given its sovereignty from the Kingdom of England under King John through the Magna Carta under orders from the Pope of Rome. During the 13th century the Kingdom of England was a vassal state of the Vatican.

Stephen Hearst is a major landowner with hundreds of thousands of acres for timber and cattle. The Hearsts also owned gold mines which is where they obtained a portion of their wealth. The Hearst family are worth about 28 billion and they are one of the most evil families in the United States.
Tom Disney is a member of the Disney family which are worth 1-2 billion. Roy E Disney was a Vatican Knight of the Order of Saint Gregoery. The Disneys are business partners with the Hearsts and both the Disneys and Hearsts have old French ancestry which migrated to Ireland before moving to the United States. They are from the same clan. Tim Disney is the Director of Shamrock Capital Advisers which is part of their family’s investment firm Shamrock Holdings. The Disneys are Freemasons and they run a massive pedophilia ring in the United States.
William Randolph Hearst III is Chairman of Hearst Corporation which owns a mass media monopoly. The Hearst family are worth nearly 30 billion and they have Irish ancestry and they work closely with the Disney family. The Hearst family serve both the British Crown and Vatican through Crown Charter and Jesuit colleges.
Art Rooney II is a billionaire and the owner of the Pittsburgh Steelers NFL team. The Rooneys are a high level business and political dynasty in the United States and they work closely with the Vatican. Francis Rooney is a politician in Florida and he was the former Ambassador to the Holy See. The Rooneys are also top managers of the Irish Mafia and they owned the Yonkers Raceway which has been a mafia headquarters for decades. The mafia rig races and bets to launder their criminal profits. Art Rooney II’s uncle Dan Rooney was the former Ambassador to Ireland and Tom Rooney and Patrick Rooney are politicians in Florida. The Rooneys work closely with their relatives the Mara family which are owners of the New York Giants. The Rooneys and Maras rig NFL games for mafia bets.

Count Gustaf Douglas is the owner of Securitas AB and Pinkerton who is worth 4 billion and he is involved with criminal espionage, violation of human rights, and intellectual property theft.

Top Manager of Hell’s Angels:

Daniel Chatto with George Windsor the Earl of St Andrews who is a top manager of the Hells Angels.

Prince William Windsor the Duke of Cambridge with Duchess Kate of Cambridge. Prince William is a high level manager of various secret societies including Freemasonry, Wicca, Amazons, Faggot Brotherhoods, and Jesuits and he manages a large blood trafficking network. Prince William is also an owner of the Bacchus motorcycle gang. Within the occult Prince William is extremely high level.

David Mayer de Rothschild is a top commander of the Kabbalah Centre and Hollywood and David Mayer de Rothschild specializes in blasphemies and managing shills in defense of the British Crown, Zionism, and the Vatican. David Mayer de Rothschild can be seen associating with Hollywood actors including Kevin Spacey, Sylvester Stallone, and Glenn Close.

Baron Jacob Rothschild whose family are worth at least tens of billions and they have been criminally funneling trillions through their banks for the royals of England and France as well as the Black Nobility. Jacob Rothschild’s daughter is married to the Italian Tomassini noble family.

Evelyn de Rothschild with Lynn Forester de Rothschild the heads of EL Rothschild and they are major criminal financiers involved with money laundering, financing organized crime, bribery, political corruption, and human trafficking. The British Rothschilds are nobles and knights under the House of Windsor and British Crown.

Queen Elizabeth II is the blood appointed ruler of the United Kingdom with power to declare war, open Parliament, appoint ministers, and veto bills. The House of Windsor are believed to be officially worth about 80 billion in wealth, assets, name, and corporate shares however they have hundreds of billions in offshore bank accounts and they control trillions through covert shares in corporations, corporate fraud, opium trafficking, and through their hundreds of banking knights and agents. The British Crown ran the opium trade through their East India Company and today British soldiers control opium fields in Afghanistan. Propagandists financed by the Windsors claim Queen Elizabeth II is only worth 500 million which is factually false. The House of Windsor are part founders and part owners of the Bank of England, Standard Chartered, BBC, Hudson’s Bay Company, and British Petroleum as well as hundreds of other banks and companies through royal charters. Yale and Harvard were also created by the English Crown through royal charters. The British Crown Knights in the world are collectively worth well over a trillion. Queen Elizabeth II is also “by law not subject to law.” That is criminal.

Prince Michael von Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach the Duke of Wettin is the head of the House of Wettin which is the elder branch of the Saxe-Coburg and Gothas and he is a top authority over royalty. The Saxe-Coburg and Gothas are intermarried with nearly all the European monarchs and they currently rule Belgium and previously ruled over Bulgaria. The British and Swedish royals are both partly Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Prince Max of Liechtenstein the CEO of the private bank Liechtenstein Global Trust which is involved with money laundering and criminal financing.

Prince Christoph von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glucksburg the Duke of Glucksburg and he is an owner of the Galloping Goose motorcycle gang. The German Glucksburgs have a goose on their coat of arms. Prince Christoph is the official head of the House of Glucksburg which currently rule Norway, Denmark and formerly ruled in Greece until 1973.

Prince Alexander von Saxe-Coburg and Gotha is a top authority over the KKK and various Nazi organizations as well as black supremacist organizations like the Black Panthers. The German town of Coburg has an African Moor on the flag. The Saxe-Coburg and Gotha’s relatives the House of Wurttemberg have Black Panthers on their coat of arms. A lot of the German royals have ancestry with African Moors that invaded Europe and raped white women.
Who David Duke Works For:

The Jesuit educated King Abdullah II of Jordan with Prince Hussein bin Abdullah and they manage terrorists in the Middle East including in Syria which have been destabilizing Route M5 which leads from Turkey through Syria to Jordan and Israel for the purpose of human trafficking.
King Mohammed VI of Morocco is the ruler of Morocco, an international businessman and billionaire that finances Shriner Freemasonry and gang stalkers that have ancestry from the Moors. The Moors were African-Arabian-Berbers who invaded Europe around 700 AD and also trafficked white women and children for over 1000 years. Many of the European royals and nobles are related to Arabs, Africans, Berbers, and Moors.
Prince Gharios el Chemor of Ghassan al Numan of Lebanon is a Vatican Knight that oversees terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah.

Prince Guido Torlonia is a mafia owner-consiglieri and a top authority over Hollywood.

Count Antonio Bufalari is the top owner of the Scranton crime family and Buffalo crime family and he works in the Maritime industry in Italy which is involved with human trafficking and child sacrifice. They dispose of bodies in the ocean and seas.

Prince Giuseppe Lanza di Scalea is a part owner and overseer of the Sicilian Mafia and a top owner of the Lanza crime family of San Francisco which now has operations on the East Coast and they have also infiltrated the FBI. The Lanza mobsters were involved with Sandy Hook which was a fake mass shooting carried out by child trafficking mobsters and designed to disarm Americans or target Americans who speak out against the crime of staging mass shootings of children.

Prince Carlo Odescalchi is a top owner of the Detroit Mafia and an owner of factions of the Serbian, Croatian, and Hungarian Mafias. The Odescalchis have Hungarian and Serbian branches that are Princes of Serbia from Zemun. The Zemun clan is one of the largest Serbian Mafias. Prince Carlo is also a top authority over CERN and particle accelerator gravity weapons. Zemun means time and gravity is related to time. Fabiola Gianotti is the Director-General of CERN and she is from Rome. Don Francesco Massimo resides in France and he was educated at CERN accelerator school. The Odescalchis and Massimos are intermarried. Particle Accelerators are used to increase gravity in the atmosphere which generates more pressure which is used on both individuals and society. The Odescalchis and their Genovese bank financed the Dutch royals to take over the Kingdom of England and the Romneys which are now politicians in Michigan worked with the Dutch King William of Orange the King of England.

Don Juan Miguel Osorio and Betran de Lis the Duke of Albuquerque is a top owner of the Beltran-Leyva Cartel, Sinaloa Cartel and MS13. Betran is a variant of Beltran. The Osorios ruled in El Salvador with President Oscar Osorio-Hernandez and that is where MS13 originated. MS13 operate as enforcers for the Mexican drug cartels inside the United States and they are heavily involved with child trafficking and child kidnapping rings.

Don Diego Osorio is a part owner and commander of MS13 and some Galician Mafias. Don Diego Osorio is also a friend of Prince Harry.

Don Francesco Galli-Zugaro is a top owner of the Dixie Mafia and he has residences in Italy and the United States. Don Francesco Galli-Zugaro owns a high end yachting company Aqua Expeditions with operations in Singapore. The Dixie Mafia are involved with tobacco, alcohol, and ginseng rackets as well as arms trafficking, human trafficking, and drug trafficking. Some British nobles with French ancestry are part owners of the Dixie Mafia which launder criminal profits through Seven Pillars Capital a London based investment firm which is owned by Don Vincenzo Galli-Zugaro.

Prince Gherado Gaetani Dell Aquila D’Aragona is an owner of the Gotti and Gotti-Agnello factions of the Gambino crime syndicate and he is part owner of the Russian Mafia. The Gaetanis are married with the Gheradesci noble family of Italy which are married with the Russian Romanovs.

Countess Marisela Federici is a top manager of Democratic politicians around the world and she is a high level witch involved with child sacrifice.

Prince Lelio Orsini D’Aragona is a top owner of the Israeli Mafia, Ursino Ndrangheta clan, and the Cleveland crime family. The Orsinis also manage the Rosicrucian Order or Order of the Rosy Cross. The Orsinis have a rose on their coat of arms and have a German-Austrian branch called the Rosenbergs. The Merck family created MDMA or Ecstasy and the Israeli Mafia specialize in trafficking ecstasy. Zeev Rosenstein is a high level Israeli mobster who trafficked millions of ecstasy pills and he worked with the Gambinos. The Merck family have three roses on their coat of arms.
Prince Roffredo Gaetani-D’Aragona-Lovatelli with Ivana Trump and Donald Trump who is a close associate of the Gambinos, Genoveses, and Philly Mob. Donald Trump owned casinos in Atlantic City that were built by the Merlino mobsters. Trump laundered criminal profits for the Philly Mob and Gambinos in Atlantic City. The Gambinos and Genoveses construction company S&A Concrete built part of Trump’s building in Manhattan and Trump purchased land from the Philly Mob hitman Salvatore Testa for his casino. Trump is also friends with the Gambino associate Joey Cinque. Prince Roffredo faked his death because he is Trump’s primary boss and Trump was preselected to become president.
Francesca Leone with Rafaella Leone and they are top authorities over Kabbalah and Hollywood. Kabbalah was founded in Leon, Spain and the Leones of Italy migrated from Leon, Spain with the Pierleonis and Massimos which often take the first or middle name Leone.
James Dolan is a Irish-American billionaire whose family own Cablevision now Altice and the Madison Square Garden Company which includes the New York Knicks and New York Rangers. Many Irish-American families are owners of media companies like the Dolans as well as the Hearsts, Disneys, and McMahons despite Nazi propagandists that falsely claim “Jews run all the media.” James Dolan is also friends with the sexual predator Harvey Weinstein. The Dolan family are worth about 5-7 billion and they are the top managers of the Irish Mafia in New York. His father is Charles Dolan who was Jesuit educated at John Carroll Unversity and his uncle is Larry Dolan the owner of the Cleveland Indians MLB team. Larry Dolan is a top boss of the Irish Mafia in Cleveland also known as the Celtic Club which still exists today.

Princess Lucrezia Colonna di Stigliano with her sister Princess Vittoria Colonna di Stigliano. They are top authorities of Wiccan and they operate from Ireland and work with various Irish billionaire bloodlines like the Dolans, Hearsts, Disneys, and McMahons, as well as the Bailey, Hennessy, and Guinness banking and brewing dynasties. Princess Lucrezia and Princess Vittoria are crazy evil and their father Prince Prospero Colonna di Stigliano is a top authority over Ireland, the Grand Lodge of Ireland, Hell Fire Club, Roman Catholic Church in Ireland, and he is a primary owner of the Irish Mafia and its Cleveland faction which is managed by the Irish Dolans.

Marchesa Lucrezia Lante Della Rovere is a high level leader of a feminist Wiccan coven and a female boss of the Venetian Mafia. Marchesa Lucrezia is a child murderer.

Prince Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio the Prince of Triggiano with Countess Alessandra Malesci-Baccani. Prince Fabrizio is the primary owner of the Gambino crime syndicate and a part owner of most mafias in the world including the Albanian Mafia, Russian Mafia, Israeli Mafia, Serbian Mafia, Bulgarian Mafia, and Hawaiian Mafia. Prince Fabrizio is also a manager of most terrorist organizations and mercenary companies and he oversees criminals in mercenary company Constellis, the United States Army, FBI, and ATF through mafia and Jesuit agents. Don Fabrizio Massimo-Brancaccio is the primary owner of the Sicilian Graviano crime family of hitmen from Brancaccio of Palermo, Sicily and he also owns the Armed Revolutionary Nuclei fascist terrorist organization in Rome. Collectively the various mafias around the world make over a trillion per year and basically all mafias pay tributes to the Massimos.