Working For the CIA!
Published January 30, 2021
· Updated February 1, 2021
CIA Bankrolled Dalai Lama & Keith Raniere of NXIVM
Proof Ukrainian Nazi’s Work For the CIA!
Conspiracy Unproven Below:
Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slaveryvia Dismantle the Central Intelligence AgencyOtScatgeoohmpobnsehmra o5, odrug20se15dse · Via Zakaos . . . I have no money and I lost everything trying to help Laurel Aston after saving her from a C.I.A. goat house in N.Y. after another attempt on her life . After making our way to Mexico the Gulf Hillary Clinton Mena Mexican cartel ran a op on us and I was deported from Mexico after being locked up for months in a Mexican prison with and human trafficking record from the same cartel who we expose that is holding Laurel Aston and claimed she was the child I was trafficking . This was there justification for kicking in our door with machine guns and stealing my legal passport and all our documentations ext . To the International World court and BS Rothschild created Nazi U.N. . When is enough enough and clearly people do not give a dam about the people exposing these pedophile rapist occultist and are clearly victims of the occult . I am moving to a ex Vet housing center in Down Town Houston near all the pigs and prisons that discuss me to my core because it is the only place I can find and afford to live due to what I do and honestly people do not give a dam and that is becoming clearer and clearer each day I live on this Earth . This is how the world treats its heroes and people that put there life on the line so you can eat Ice cream and watch the idiot box .This is Human trafficking Victims Laurel Aston’s last post from Merida Mexico that no one shares or even donates to her cause . Not even her so called face book friends that clearly are not worth a dam . I am just being honest and you know how much people hate that . They spend millions a day to silence us and that’s a fact idiots programmed by Tv refuse to wake from .Via Laurel Aston . I remain a prisoner of the CIA and Mexican drug cartels in Merida Mexico,for more than a year now. I am sick most of the time ,and am held in extreme heat poverty and hunger. While the CIA US military remain in control of my Billion dollart fortune stolen via my CIA slave handlers such as my fake forced husband and CIA slave handler Stephen Benion. The CIA used Billionaire Stephen Benion a German Nazi assassin in the CIA , to steal my Billion dollar fortune under the name Louisa Benion ,via rape babies Benion forced on me while he held me prisoner at his Palm Springs Ranch . The rape babies had been pre sold to the CIA for the Stealth Bomber disposable human weapons program . Jordan Duve ,sold at birth by Benion to the CIA s Stealth Bomber disposable human weapons program ,was raised by a lesbian,CIA mind control programmer, Dr. Susan Duve of South Padre Island Texas, with a fake birth certificate , and never even knew Stephen Benion.The man who sired her and sold her into the program . Stephen Benions rape baby, Jordsan Duve was awarded a great deal of my Billion dollar estate with Stepehen Benion ,after he had me declared incompetent by his CIA hit squad. Benion and the CIA eventually took control of my entire Billion dollar estate . I live in extreme hunger poverty and heat. I am sick and so are my 2 dogs .Please I beg you help me ,I need to be freed from this nightmare of life long human slavery. I need intervention from legitimate governments who do not deal in cocaine and child trafficking with the CIA..PLEASE I AM DYING THEY ARE KILLING ME PLEASE HELP ME. I WONT LIVE MUCH LONGER IN THESE CONDITIONS.IF YOU ALLOW THEM TO DO THIS TO ME ,JUST KNOW THAT YOU YOUR FAMILY AND YOUR FREEDOM ARE NEXT.Please help !!!! This is Laurels go fund me page . Please help !!!! This is Laurels go fund me page . is the link to the petition to free me from political enslavement by the C.I.A. -US STATE DEPT – U.S. MILITARY and Mexican drug cartels holding me hostage in Mexico . Please take a moment to sign the petition.….(((((((((O0O))))))))00000oOo000000000001aAaPGSBJCsbpApisKaTecBwSnBCaOAPPAAJCKIDTSSBkesadavwiijccbspsil00000OoO000011AHPL((((((((((0O0))))))))))). Laurel Aston Ex CIA Operative Fighting Child & Human Trafficking & Slavery
TV Series Treadstone About Service Killers in Slavery & How These Victim/Killers Are BlackMailed & Entrapped into Perfroming Their Deadly Missions Was Cancelled After CIA Character Says CIA is Organized Criminal Syndicate:
Treadstone explores the origin story and present-day actions of a fictional CIA black-ops program known as Operation Treadstone — a covert program that uses a behavior-modification protocol to turn recruits into nearly-superhuman assassins.[6] The series follows sleeper agents across the globe as they are mysteriously ‘awakened’ to resume their deadly missions.[7] The program breaks down these assassins’ personalities, erases their memories, and eliminates their moral code so they can effectively kill targets around the world.[8]
Tags: British Empire..US Colony (Synagogue of Satan) British Monarchy & Empire (Synagogue of Satan)=ZIONISM Geopolitics Geopolitics...Russia
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