Monthly Archive: July 2020

Trump Enabling the Establishment’s Entrapment of Him

Trump Enables the Establishment’s Entrapment of Him July 24, 2020 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Trump Enables the Establishment’s Entrapment of Him Paul Craig Roberts The Hill supports overthrowing Trump and “white America” Michael...

Another Pedophile President Involved in Massive Crimes Against Humanity

New Kosovo Indictment Is A Reminder Of Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities James BovardThu, Jul 23, 2020 | 1400 words 1,424  30 President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity....

CIA is at the Top of the Pyramid of Child Sex Abuse, Trafficking, Mind Control, Murder, Monarch Abuse, Etc.

CIA is at the Top of the Pyramid of Child Sex Abuse, Trafficking, Mind Control, Murder, Monarch Abuse, Etc.

MAKE A DIFFERENCE: IN ONLY TEN MINUTES, YOU CAN HELP PROSECUTE CRIMINALS IN THE DEEP STATE March 30, 2019fightingmonarch Yesterday I was talking with my friend Dr. Katherine Horton, a particle physicist educated at Oxford...

Another Lawsuit Against Epstein’s Estate-Trump as Witness?

EXCLUSIVE: ‘She’s a good one, right?’ Woman claims Jeffrey Epstein paraded her in front of Donald Trump when she was pedophile’s underage victim – in lawsuit almost identical to prosecutors’ case against Ghislaine Maxwell...

Pedophile Protection League In Texas

Pedophile Protection League In Texas

How did alleged abuse at a youth facility in West Texas evade detection for so long? * by Nate BlakesleeFebruary 23, 2007 WHEN DWIGHT HARRIS, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE TEXAS YOUTH COMMISSION (TYC), appeared...

Create an MKUltra Veterans Administration

Create an MKUltra Veterans Administration

Create an MKUltra Veterans Administration VC Bestor started this petition to potus and 5 others Establish an MKUltra-Veteran’s Administration for victims’ rehabilitation. The CIA’s MKUltra mind-control programming is notoriously difficult to survive, let alone heal. The covert nature of it highlights the bind that MKUltra victims are...