Category: Politicians

Investigating the Truth Not Told By Our Fake News Media & Fake Puppet Politicians

Infostormer Live Episode #54 Replay Romania is an occupied Country controlled by the CIA with NATO bases within their borders controlled by Oligarchy working AGAINST Romanian People.

The ZIONIST Plan: Scapegoat Christians for Adrenochrome & Child Sex Trafficking Done by Epstein, Maxwell, the CIA and Mossad

The Zionist Plan is to Scapegoat Christians for Adrenochrome and Child Sex Trafficking done by Epstein, Maxwell, the CIA and Mossad Summary: The Mossad-CIA pedophiles who are go-betweens between the USA and Israel are not...

The Plan of the Synagogue of Satan Crowd Comment:  They ALWAYS blame others for what They Do.  They always align theirselves with hard core criminals, terrorists & gangs.  They steal from the Taxpayer.  They are behind Child Sex Slavery, the Monarch...

America’s Crimes Against Children

It is time to round up all of the ECONOMIC HIT MEN who have disgraced our nation. I have combined three pages begun in 2020 to make this one: the picture presented is one...

Jeffrey Epstein Mossad Agent Written All Over This