Israeli’s Are Being Treated as Badly as the Ukrainians For Israel Too is Run by the Crime Syndicate
Israel Issues 1,000+ Arrest Warrants for Ultra-Orthodox Draft Dodgers
Israel Issues 1,000+ Arrest Warrants for Ultra-Orthodox Draft Dodgers
Lindsey Graham Justifies Ukraine War Over Mineral Resources Donald Trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn who ran the little boy sex toys to Congressmen for the CIA. Congress is pretty much GAY. Not only does D.C. LOVE Mass Murder but they seem to Especially love Mass Murder of Christians and promoting Anti-Christian laws. Is D.C. Full of Anti-Christs? The goal for a Greater Israel to...
Trump Talks About Butler Assassination Attempt as Being an “Act” Being Trump is a Deep State Insider and Always Has Been This does not Surprise Me in the Least.
PDiddy worked with the CIA on Compromise Videos. Americans Are Propaganda Media Puppets. Our political DONORS are ZIONISTS & our media is Zionist. The Truth is They HATE AMERICANS and would love a nuclear...
Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more TransHuman – The Real COVID19 Agenda Vol 1 and TransHuman – Overcoming The Depopulation Agenda Vol 2 Available Now! Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD Oct 21 READ IN APP...
TheWarAgainstYou Your Hourly updates FEMA Prepares For Mass Arrest of Dissidents. Secret Documents Expose Nefarious Intent 11-13-2024 FEMA Prepares For Mass Arrest of Dissidents. Secret Documents Expose Nefarious Intent 11-13-2024 TheWarAgainstYou 51.4K followers 9...
When your presidents are child molesters, and they are, your children will not be safe. Submitted review for Thea M. Gilbert Comment: My question is who is she working for? The Chester the Molestor...