If I can figure out the Epstein, Rosenstein, Mossad-CIA connection, why can’t Pam Bondi?
by Admin · Published · Updated
Mossad-CIA connection, why can’t Pam Bondi?
Comment: Pam Bondi takes payoffs from the Crooks’n Criminals and looks the other way when it comes to their Crimes. That’s how she got $10 MILLION in Real Estate & Six Luxury Cars…. grifting on a State D.A. Salary. REALLY????
Direct Link to this page:
I am not going to go over the role of the CIA in Ukraine; I have already covered that in numerous videos and links here: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/putin-is-fighting-nwo-nazis.htmlI am not going to go over the “The 100K Per Month Club: Testimony of Sue Arrigo” which provides proof our government subsidized and participated in child sex trafficking using the CIA and Mossad for 7 decades; that proof is here: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-100k-per-month-club-testimony-of-sue-arrigo.html
THIS PAGE is for DOCUMENTS & VIDEOS exposing Rosenstein & Epstein:
Numerous past administrations want immunity!
1. Reagan: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-reagan-crime-syndicate.html
2. Bush: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-bush-crime-syndicate.html
3. Clinton: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-clinton-crime-syndicate.html
4. Obama: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-obama-crime-syndicate.html
5. Biden: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-biden-crime-syndicate.html
6. Trump: https://www.stolenelectionnovella.com/the-trump-crime-syndicate.html
They knew what Epstein was up to…there is no denying it.
- [ABOVE]: Video 1: https://rumble.com/vd18ol-video-breaking-news-lin-wood-leaks-whistleblower-videos.-exposes-justice-ro.html
- Video 2: https://rumble.com/v2ff0wu-lin-wood-whistle-blower-videos-released-2-of-5-pence-and-hillary-assassinat.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
- Video 3: https://rumble.com/v2ff0zm-lin-wood-whistle-blower-videos-released-3-of-5-hillary-assassinations-of-ju.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
- Video 4: https://rumble.com/v2ff124-lin-wood-whistle-blower-videos-released-4-of-5-assassination-of-justice.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
- Video 5: https://rumble.com/v28o4jc-lin-wood-whistle-blower-videos-released-5-of-5-rod-rosenstein-dirty-trick-s.html?e9s=src_v1_ucp
epstein_flight_logs_unredacted.pdf |
jeffrey_epsteins_little_black_book_unredacted.pdf |
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the_sexual_misconduct_of_donald_j._trump__toward_a_misogyny_repor.pdf |
https://www.boomplay.com/episode/8131037 and he has posted numerous links on that podcast page.
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Rod Rosenstein led a “Dirty Trick Squad” and Burr, Wray and Hur were well aware of it.
Meet ups by Biden with CHILDREN in the home of a Delaware Judge, who gave him his own homes for this purpose, are described in this testimony.
full-transcript-of-whistleblower-interview.pdf |
Izrael Zeus put together a massive list of all of the uber rich families around the world involved in child sex trafficking, including those with wineries, hiding adrenochrome in red wine…and it has been removed by Google, which should not surprise us. The cover up has been widespread and entire sites have gone 404 to protect the perpetrators of crimes against children.
I downloaded his 1st report on the WICKED BANKERS involved in child sex trafficking, and wish I’d captured more with screenshots. “Thirty Wicked Bankers The G30 is a group of thirty bankers and economists with high level authority over global finance. The Rockefeller family financed the creation of the G30. These financiers all work for the European royalty and nobility and they all finance child trafficking, terrorism, propaganda, and gang stalking.”
thirty_wicked_bankers_bu_by_izrealzeus.pdf |
I research to find gold nuggets of truth our main stream media tries to hide from us. I collate newsworthy videos and articles. I share who, what, when, where, and why, as reporters of yesteryear used to do. I am beholden to no parties; I have no sponsors and am not asking you to buy anything. I take advance screenshots when I know the material is controversial to combat Google’s team of Orwellian news revisionists. I do my part to fight the NWO.
My Bitchute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/ZVMORjHisg8B