Sex Slave Exposes Extreme Depravity of ‘Elite’ Satanists
Sex Slave Exposes the Rot That Pervades Society
November 12, 2021

Female Anon-long time reader
I have been following Ally Carter on internet back channels for a while –she has been posting videos when and where she can.
I hadn’t heard from Ally in a while and so I was very happy to see she was alive on the Stew Peter’s Show
We have been all worried about Ally because –of course They are trying to silence her.
But, now that Ally is getting more public–They just ignore her –like Cathy O’Brian –simply ignored.
I’m a surviver of generational Austrian aristocratic elite secret society child sexual abuse, physical abuse and torture meant to demonize and disassociate or split personalities — these are the same elements used more formally in MK Ultra programing.
Although I lived in a world of wealth and privilege via the aristocrat Austrian side of my family, the hidden horror underneath was that some (not every) of my male relatives abused me and other children in the family. I discovered two other female relatives, an aunt and cousin, who were also sexually abused and tortured as children. My cousin committed suicide. They abused in the dark of the night or moments when no one was around. These seemingly kind, wonderful and religious, uncles, cousins, grandfather -etc., shifted and manifested demons and abused and tortured us.
The victims either resisted the demonization -often becoming dissociated, depressed, suicidal and struggling to heal
or they became demonized and developed split personalities and then became deviants, smoking pot-then later harder drugs, having sex, becoming transexual/homosexual, lying cheating, stealing etc.
Similar to Ally, when I asked my older abused aunt what to do, should I go to the police ? ” No,” my aunt said, “Don’t go to any police because you don’t know which one of them are abusers too. The abuse is over now — so just try to put it out of your mind and cope with it the best you can.”
FYI Blood Drinking — Mike Stone Asks:
“If these child predators are using the blood of children or andrenochrome as some kind of youth serum, then why do they all look so old and ugly? Seriously, someone explain it to me.” Yes, I will explain.
First, even if people like Ally witness the blood drinking –she does not necessarily have all the answers. It’s not about human youth and longevity –Blood Drinking is nourishment for demons ! Blood drinking keeps the demons “young” i.e strong.
In the upside down world of evil the “perverse reverse” –the life is in the blood not for the humans but for the demons that are hosting in the bodies of the humans. Humans actually get sick from the consumption of human blood–a disease called kuru. The human bodies do age and look horrible from the abuse the demons wreak havoc on their physical bodies. Demons don’t sleep and they can make a human stay up 3 days straight — it destroys the physical appearance of the human body. However, at some point the demons have to “play ball” with their human host or they will kill it. And then they have the difficulty of finding another host. And every body full of demons has one leader.
The demons are energized and fortified by the tortured adrenalized blood of children. The humans are pretty much gutted out and gone from the body by the time it gets to feasting on children’s blood.
The process to trick people into becoming reprobates, thus losing their soul, mind and body is very sophisticated.
It is small steps designed to slowly bring demons into their bodies. “They” want to build a legion of demons to fully mind control and take over. MK Ultra Programing is a demonization program. Mind control is done via demons. Often ” They” first get the targeted host victim to become an atheist –on the outside the victim may fain being religious but inside the victim is becoming a hardened atheist.
There are many steps and paths to open one to demons. One important part of the process is getting the victim to become vegetarians. After years of vegetarianism “They” introduce a little blood in a ritual –that opens one to Blood Lust Demons and then the victim is overrun and taken over. The victim is no longer human — the body is human but the mind and spirit is Legion.
Shout Out to Ally –Hey sister my prayers are with you. I hope we can meet one day.